Elections Canada: Young Voters: Links


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Below you will find links to sites specially geared to youth. If you're looking for more general information on the electoral process, you can also see Elections Canada's links page.

Youth Voting

  • www.studentvote.ca
    Student Vote is a non-profit educational initiative working to inspire the habit of electoral and community participation among students across Canada.

  • www.thedemocracyproject.ca
    The Democracy Project is a national non-partisan initiative to involve youth in the federal election through All Candidates Town Halls, an on-line survey, text voting, free music downloads and educational tools.

  • www.govote.ca
    Go Vote is a national non-partisan youth coalition that aims to connect the candidates to the concerns of young people, and connect young people to the political process.


Teacher Resources

Youth Issues/Social Action

  • www.unicef.org/voy/
    The UNICEF "Voices of Youth" site allows young people all over the world to share ideas on important global issues.

  • www.ayn.ca
    The Aboriginal Youth Network is an on-line resource created by youth for youth. Take part in chat rooms, catch up on current events, and much more!

  • www.youcan.ca
    YOUCAN is a charitable organization dedicated to empowering youth and building a culture of peace among the youth of today

  • www.cwy-jcm.org/en/
    Canada World Youth is a national, non-governmental organization that helps young people develop important skills while living and working in communities in Canada and around the world.

Youth Employment and Education

  • www.youth.gc.ca
    Youth Path is an initiative of the Government of Canada and its partners. It offers information on a wide variety of vocational and educational programs and services.