Search Nomination Contests Database
Search this database for a nomination contest (see instructions)

  Electoral district:

  Political party:
  Association keyword(s):
  Contestant Keyword(s):
  Contest dates: From:


Search for nomination contests using one or more of the search options provided above. All search options are described below.

Search options:

Search by province/territory: Select a province or territory from the drop-down list and click on "Search".
Search by electoral district: Select an electoral district from the drop-down list and click on "Search".
Search by political party: Select a political party from the drop-down list provided above and click on "Search".
Note: The list of political parties shows all registered parties and all parties that were deregistered after January 1, 2004.
Search by keyword (association): Enter an association name keyword and click on "Search".
Search by keyword (contestant name): Enter a contestant name keyword and click on "Search".
Search by contest date: Enter the date range (yyyy-mm-dd) for which you wish to find nomination contests and click on "Search". Please note that you may also click the calendar button next to each date field to select the date using a calendar.