
Registration at the Polls

Elections Canada strongly encourages you to make sure that your name appears on the voters list for an election or by-election. If you are not registered on the voters list, you can register:

Finding your polling station

If you are not registered on the voters list, or you have not received a voter information card from Elections Canada showing the address of your polling station, you can get the address by telephoning the returning office in your electoral district. To find your electoral district, visit the Elections Canada Web site at You could also check the address on a voter information card received by another elector in your household.

Registering at an advance poll

To have your name added to the voters list at an advance poll, you must register with the deputy returning officer. Once you sign the Registration Certificate that the deputy returning officer completes for you, and you show satisfactory proof of your identity and address, you can then vote. Acceptable proof of your identity and address is:

Registering on election day

To have your name added to the voters list on election day at your polling station, you must either:

Satisfactory identification is the same for registering on election day as it is for registering at an advance poll. You register with the deputy returning officer or a registration officer, who completes a registration certificate that you sign. You can then vote.

If you register with a registration officer, one representative of each candidate in the electoral district is entitled to be present. Registration officers are appointed by the returning officer on the recommendation of the candidates of the registered political parties that finished first and second in the electoral district in the previous election.

For more information, please contact:

Elections Canada
257 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M6


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October 2006