
Programs and Services for Persons with Special Needs

Elections Canada offers information, education and accessibility services to persons who have a disability, seniors, persons with limited reading and writing skills, and persons living in transitional situations (homeless or living in a shelter for victims of abuse). Material is available in alternative formats: large print, Braille, audiocassette and diskette (for talking computers).

Among the services provided by Elections Canada for persons with a disability are:

Between electoral events, staff at Elections Canada in Ottawa provide ongoing information and education services. During an election or referendum period, requests for information are answered by Elections Canada in Ottawa or referred to the office of the returning officer in the appropriate riding.

Before an election or referendum, Elections Canada provides training sessions for all returning officers across the country on accessibility and awareness of special needs.

For more information, please contact:

Elections Canada
257 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M6


1 800 463-6868
toll-free in Canada and the United States

001 800 514-6868
toll-free in Mexico

(613) 993-2975
from anywhere in the world

For people who are deaf or hard of hearing:
TTY 1 800 361-8935
toll-free in Canada and the United States


(613) 954-8584
1 888 524-1444
toll-free in Canada and the United States

This publication is available in alternative formats.

February 2005