Halifax 2014 to Showcase Arts and Culture

Commonwealth Games

November 23, 2006 13:12

NOTE: Bios of the Cultural Advisory Committee are available at www.2014halifax.com or from the media contacts listed below.

Halifax's bid to host the Commonwealth Games not only showcase excellence on the sporting fields, but also on the cultural stages.

To ensure that athletes, visitors, and local residents experience a vibrant and colourful festival, a dynamic group of leaders representing every aspect of culture has formed Halifax 2014's Cultural Advisory Committee.

"It has become a tradition at international sporting events to host a complementary cultural festival, and Halifax's bid to host the Commonwealth Games in 2014 will be no exception," said Halifax 2014 CEO Scott Logan. "When the competitions are over, Halifax's vibrant nightlife and friendly city will allow delegates, athletes, and team officials to relax, have fun, and enjoy the true spirit of our city."

The cultural advisory committee includes bid committee members as well as artists, performers, entertainers, producers, and people who represent culture on a local, national, and international scale. Committee members are:
-- Co-chair: Gordon Lapp, Music Nova Scotia
-- Co-chair: Marcel McKeough, Nova Scotia Tourism, Culture and Heritage
-- Ron Bourgeois, Acadian music
-- Scott Burke, Eastern Front Theatre
-- Brookes Diamond, Brookes Diamond Productions
-- Bob Geraghty, Symphony Nova Scotia
-- Max MacDonald, Celtic Colours International Festival
-- Scott MacIntyre, Atlantic Jazz Festival
-- Ed Matmawana, African Nova Scotian Music Association
-- Don Stoddard, Neptune Theatre Foundation
-- Alan Syliboy, Mi'kmaq artist, Red Crane Studios
-- Peta-Jean Temple, Halifax Regional Municipality
-- Pat Watson, Management Consultant and Performer
-- Chris Wilcox, The Music Room and Scotia Festival of Music
-- Kari Gundersen, Halifax 2014
-- Catherine Kieran, Halifax 2014
-- Betty Lou Killen, Halifax 2014
-- Kevin Riles, Halifax 2014
-- Nicolle Spagnoli, Halifax 2014

"The role of the cultural advisory committee is to create a cultural and festival program and generate ideas and opportunities to create excitement for cultural engagement," said Mr. Lapp.

The committee will focus on how to celebrate the diversity of the Commonwealth, while showcasing the many talented artists and performers of the Commonwealth, Canada, and Nova Scotia.

The Commonwealth Games are an international sport and cultural event held every four years in which athletes from 71 Commonwealth nations and territories compete. In December 2005, Halifax won the right to be Canada's candidate city for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

In competition with Glasgow, Scotland, and Abuja, Nigeria, the Halifax 2014 bid committee is now focused on developing and winning the international bid, which will be awarded by the Commonwealth Games Federation on Nov. 9, 2007, in Sri Lanka.


It is a tradition at international sporting events to host a complementary cultural festival, and Halifax's bid to host the Commonwealth Games in 2014 will be no exception.

Aa cultural advisory committee has been formed that includes artists, performers, entertainers, producers and people who represent culture on a local, national and international scale.

Halifax 20-14 C-E-O Scott Logan says the committee will focus on how to celebrate the diversity of the Commonwealth, while showcasing the many talented artists and performers of the Commonwealth, Canada, and Nova Scotia.

The Games' site will be awarded by the Commonwealth Games Federation on November 9th, 2007, in Sri Lanka.


Media Contacts: Suzanne Fougere
                Halifax 2014 Commonwealth Games Bid Committee
                Cell: 902-476-7077
                E-mail: fougersu@2014halifax.com

                Deborah Hashey
                Halifax 2014 Commonwealth Games Bid Committee
                Cell: 902-499-7975
                E-mail: hasheyd@2014halifax.com