Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time

Under section 335 of the Canada Elections Act, every broadcaster in Canada is required to make available for purchase by registered political parties six and one-half hours (390 minutes) of air time during a federal election. The Act provides that the allocation of this time among the parties is to be made by agreement among them, or failing such agreement, by the decision of the Broadcasting Arbitrator.

Note: All documents are in PDF format.
2005 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
2004 Reallocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
2004 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
2002 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
2001 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
2000 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1999 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1998 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1997 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1996 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1995 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1993 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time
1992 Allocation of Paid Broadcasting Time

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