Titanic sea trials on Belfast Lough, April 2nd, 1912
Titanic Related Displays in other Areas of Nova Scotia
Yarmouth County Museum
22 Collins Street, Yarmouth ( 902-742-5539 ).
They have a unique Titanic display focusing on the Titanic mystery ship, Samson, a vessel many feel was close enough to have rescued Titanic victims, but fled. Samson was later wrecked near Yarmouth and the museum has a model and wreckage from her.

East Hants Historical Museum
Route 215, Lower Selma ( near Maitland ).
The portable embalming table believed to have been used with John Jacob Astor's body is on display at this museum in the summer. It came from J.A. Logan, an undertaker from near-by Shubenacadie who was called to Halifax to work on Titanic victims.

SS Atlantic Heritage Park
180 Sandy Cove Road, Terence Bay, off Route 333 (902 852-2817).
A monument beside the mass grave of this 1873 precurser to Titanic marks the resting place of hundreds of victims of the SS Atlantic, another White Star liner whose sinking bears interesting similarities to the Titanic disaster. The monument is surrounded by a small park with walking trails, an interpretation centre and tea room which tell the story of the sinking and the community of Terence Bay.

Archelaus Smith Museum
915 Route 330, Centreville, Cape Sable Island ( 902-745-3361 ).
A piece of Titanic wood, carved as a small leaf, is incorporated in the "wreckwood chair"; a chair built by a Cape Sable man from pieces of 27 different shipwrecks. Open mid-June to late September.

St. Stephen's Anglican Church
The cemetary contains the grave of Alice E. Allen (1887-1961), a Titanic survivor. She escaped with her mother in Lifeboat No. 10. Her father and brother perished.

Hazel Hill Cable Station and Whitman House Museum
Canso (Phone: 902-366-2170).
This station was an important link in relaying news of the Titanic sinking from Cape race to New York. The cable station building still stands, now abandoned but looking much as it did in 1912. A display at the nearby museum in town explains the role of the station.

North Highlands Community Museum
Cape North, Cape Breton.
They have a piece of Titanic flotsam salvaged by local residents Jack and Douglas MacDougall who helped recover Titanic bodies as crewman aboard the Halifax cable ship Minia.

On May 13, 1912, the Canadian Government vessel Montmagny unloaded three Titanic victims at Louisbourg, probably at the Government Wharf, to be taken by rail to Halifax.

Queens County Museum
109 Main Street, Liverpool (902-354-4058)
This museum has a display of Titanic artifacts and period collectibles focusing on Liverpool residents connected to Titanic.

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