Nova Scotia Manufacturers

The 1998-99 Nova Scotia Manufacturers Guide is no longer available on this site. As the information in this latest issue was collected in 1997, it is no longer considered reflective of the current manufacturing sector. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, numerous other resources may be helpful to users requiring information about the province’s manufacturing sector including: both public and private sector sub-provincial, provincial, regional and national business databases and directories; listings of tenants in industrial parks; association membership lists, telephone yellow pages, etc. For example:

Nova Scotia Manufacturing Profile, a new publication of the Economics and Statistics Division, provides a wide-ranging analysis of the province's manufacturing sector and its characteristics in recent years.

Registry of Joint Stock Companies, Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, database is a wealth of public information about the province’s business community. Access is by website, phone or in person. Refer to:

Target Nova Scotia is a tool that evolved as a partnership project representing the combined efforts of resources of several departments and agencies of the federal Government of Canada and the provincial Government of Nova Scotia. Refer to:

Stategis, Industry Canada, Canada’s business and consumer site contains company directories: Canadian Company Capabilities, Database of Federally Incorporated Companies; SocialEconomy, Volunteer & Business Associations; importer databases: Canadian Importers Database, Find Sales Leads to North American Buyers; and Virtual Trade Commissioners. Refer to: