Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Grant Winners Announced


November 15, 2006 11:23

A few years ago, Sarah Bowman and Virginia Brake could only dream that they would be paid to study something they love and have the chance to shape the future of the province's energy industry. Now, thanks to Pengrowth and the province of Nova Scotia, this dream has become a reality.

The women, both from Lower Sackville, have been selected as the recipients of the 2006 Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grant. The research grant, valued at $15,000 over two years is awarded to Nova Scotia students pursuing energy-related studies at the master's degree level.

Ms. Bowman is working on her master's degree in applied science at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, where she is currently studying the Western Laurentian sub-basin, off Cape Breton. Ms. Brake is working on her master's degree in earth sciences at Dalhousie University in Halifax, where she is studying the 3D seismic interpretation of the Eastern Scotian Margin.

"We're pleased to be able to partner with Pengrowth to support these bright students and help them achieve their academic goals," said Bill Dooks, Minister of Energy. "I am confident that their research projects will be of considerable value to our industry and will help us to better understand some of the complexities of our province's geological makeup."

"Pengrowth is delighted to help fund Ms. Brake and Ms. Bowman's research initiatives that show the potential to make a real difference in Nova Scotia's offshore," said James Kinnear, Pengrowth's president and chief executive officer. "The Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grant is expecting to help fuel a secure energy future for the province. It is helping students reach their academic potential while providing important insight into understanding the dynamics of Nova Scotia's offshore."

The Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grant was established in 2005, as part of the Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Energy Scholarship fund. Up to four Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grants are rewarded each year. Pengrowth, one of the owners of the Sable Offshore Energy Project, initially contributed $1.5 million to the fund and the province added $500,000. Last month, Pengrowth and the province contributed an additional $500,000 each to the fund, bringing the total value of the trust to $3 million. The fund also provides up to 20 undergraduate and trades scholarships annually.

The deadline for the 2007 Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grant is Jan. 12, 2007. For application forms or for additional information on the scholarships or petroleum innovation grant, please see the Nova Scotia Department of Energy website at .


     Pengrowth and the province of Nova Scotia are continuing to

support university students pursuing careers in the energy


     The winners of the 2006 Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum

Innovation Grant were announced today (November 15th).

     Sarah Bowman, a master of science student at Saint Mary's

University, and Virginia Brake, a master of science student at

Dalhousie University, will each receive a fifteen-thousand

dollar grant to conduct research related to the province's

energy industry. Both women are from Lower Sackville.

     The Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Petroleum Innovation Grant was

established in 2005, as part of the three-million-dollar

Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Energy Scholarship fund.

     The deadline for the 2007 Petroleum Innovation Grant is

January 12th, 2007. Additional information and applications are

available on the Department of Energy's website at w-w-w dot gov

dot N-S dot C-A slash energy.


Media Contacts: Michelle Wright
                Department of Energy

                Julia Mouland