Woodlots, small or large, are vital part of the livelihood of many Nova Scotians.

Contact Us

Woodlot Owner of the Year

Woodlot Homestudy Courses

Seminars and Field Days

Woodlot Management Newsletter

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What's New

The introductory module, "Getting More from Your Woodlot" is now available in French.


Woodlot Management Home Study Program

" Have you ever wondered how to grow more wood, improve wildlife habitat on your woodlot or maintain and safely operate your chainsaw?"

Developed for those who want to learn more about managing their woodlands, each easy-to-understand module of the Home Study Series covers basic ideas backed by descriptive illustrations.

Member Login

You decide which module to study and proceed at your own pace. Modules can be obtained through the mail, or studied online.

Request to Receive the Home Study Course by Mail

In some regions department staff may conduct field days to support the material.

You may preview the each of the modules using the links to the right. To access the full module please Register or login.

Take the Homestudy Course Online
(Free Registration)

Related Links

Nova Forest Alliance Publications

Preview the Home Study Modules

Introduction - Getting More from Your Woodlot

(Introduction - Maximiser les retombées de votre boisé

Principles of Forest Stewardship

Introduction to Silviculture
(Module 1)

Harvesting Systems
(Module 2)

Les Méthodes de Récolte

Thinning for Value
(Module 3)

Wildlife and Forestry
(Module 4)

Faune et Foresterie

Stand Establishment
(Module 5)

Chain Saw Use and Safety
( Module 6)

Woodlot Ecology

Wood Utilization & Technology
(Module 8)

Woodlot Recreation
(Module 9)

Activités Récréatives en Milieu Forestier

Managing Woodlot Finances: Planning and Investment Guide
(Module 10A)

Managing Woodlot Finances:
Income Tax and Estate Planning Guide

(Module 10B)

Roads and Trails:
Planning it Right from the Start

(Module 11)


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Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.

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Page last updated July 2006.