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                           Legacy Project


The Queen’s Golden Jubilee

Legacy Project

Created in May 2002 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, this piece of earthenware is an enlargement of a traditional two-handled Greek cup.

Made from Nova Scotia clay, the rich red colour is evident in bands that frame the detail of the painted decoration. Features include Nova Scotia’s floral emblem the mayflower, the Canadian maple leaf and shapes from the Royal Mace used in the House of Assembly.

The two large handles symbolize Canada and the Monarchy and represent our community celebration of the Golden Jubilee. The handles incorporate 50 droplets of gold, one for each year of Her Majesty’s reign.

The cup belongs to the Province House collection and will be on permanent display within the building.


The Artist

Tracy Van de Wiel is a student at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, majoring in ceramics with a minor in art history. Born and raised in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Tracy holds a four-year McCain scholarship and will enter her final year of study in the fall of 2002. Her winning design was chosen for its relevance to the themes for the Jubilee and its predominant use of Nova Scotia material.

Pictured in the Red Chamber at Province House during the May 16, 2002, unveiling are left to right: the Honourable Murray Scott, Speaker of the House of Assembly; Tracy Van de Wiel, artist of the Jubilee piece; the Honourable Myra A. Freeman, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia; and the Honourable John Hamm, Premier of Nova Scotia.

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