Fundy Geological Museum Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

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Nova Scotia's Gem & Mineral Show 2006
The 2006 show is fully booked with last year's participants and new dealers! (And we have a waiting list for 2007)
Wholesale Day: Thursday Aug. 17th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
(The show is only open to business owners on wholesale day. Children are not permitted on that day only.)
Show open to the Public:
Friday, Aug. 18th, 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday, Aug. 19th, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday, Aug. 20th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please print a copy of this application and return it with deposit to the address below.

Gem and Mineral Show
Dealer Info
Register as a Dealer
How to Find Us

Business Name ________________________________________________________________
Proprietor's Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________________
Province/State ________________________________________________________________
Postal/Zip Code ________________________________________________________________

E-mail ________________________________________________________________

Merchandise ________________________________________________________________
Amps needed ________________________ (Please provide your own lighting and extension cords.)

Would You Demonstrate?   [   ] yes    [   ] no At your table?   [   ] yes    [   ] no
Type of Demonstration:  _________________

FEES: Number  Price    Amount 
One (10' by 10') curtained booth Space
(includes 2 chairs, 1 skirted 2' x  6' table and one breakfast ticket for 
Sunday's Dealer's Breakfast)
Additional 2' x  6' Table (each)   $  25.00  
Extra Breakfast Tickets    $   6.00
Total     $
Deposit Enclosed     $
Balance owing (Balance due before set-up)     $
(Total Number of Dealers Breakfast tickets required _________________) ----      ---------  -------------
  • The registration fee also includes:
  • Free parking during the show (you may drive into the arena to unload at your table), 
  • Hospitality service twice a day.
  • Security after the show closes until 8:00 am the next day.
  • Liability insurance during open hours. 
  • For more information, or to submit application,  please contact

    Carol Corbett, Education Co-ordinator
    c/o Nova Scotia's Gem and Mineral Show
    P.O. Box 640
    Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, 
    ph: 902-254-3814              fax: 902-254-3666

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    Last updated: August 1, 2006.
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