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Gas Station Survey

Thank you for taking the time to try this demonstration version of a new on-line service that will soon be available from Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations.

We would appreciate it if you would take a few moments to answer these six questions, to help us to make sure this service will meet your needs.

1.Where do you primarily use the internet?

Never use

2.Is this free on-line service easy to use and understand?

Extremely easy
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Fairly easy
Not Easy

3.How often would you use this free on-line service?

1-2 times a year
3-5 times a year
5-10 times a year
More than 10 times a year
Not Sure

4.Are you concerned about the availability of full service gas stations in NS?

Extremely concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not concerned
No opinion

5.If your favourite service station changed to self-serve only, would you switch to another station?

No, I go to a self serve station now
Yes, that would be reason enough to switch
Not sure

6.Where do you live?


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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2003, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Last Updated November 07, 2001