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    Any Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has published works in Canada in print form and is not affiliated with another RRO (e.g. COPIBEC) can apply to become an Access Copyright affiliate. This includes writers, illustrators and photographers and publishers of books, magazines, journals and newspapers. It costs nothing to become an Access Copyright affiliate.

    As an Access Copyright affiliate, you will receive royalties whenever your works are copied and this copying is reported to Access Copyright. As well, each year we receive royalties that, due to insufficient information, can't be attributed to specific Canadian copyright owners. These royalties are pooled and divided among copyright owners who were affiliates of Access Copyright at the start of the fiscal year in which the royalties were collected. Most Access Copyright affiliates receive payments from this pool, but the amount per affiliate varies from year to year.

    There are other benefits as well: Access Copyright may act on your behalf to protect your rights, by following up on reported infringements of your copyright and taking action which is necessary or advisable. And you'll be kept in the loop about copyright issues through Access Copyright's various publications and educational sessions.

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