Trade Team Nova Scotia Helping Nova Scotians export to the world.
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Export Services

General Information

Thinking about exporting?  Not sure where to start?  The links and programs in this section will help you get started on your search for information, opportunities, programs and contacts to help your business start exporting or expand to new markets.  The Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre should be your first stop.  They are available to help you find the exporting information you need.  Call their toll free number, visit their website and use the feature “Talk to Us” to communicate with them on-line, or visit their office in Halifax.  They provide free, personalized services to find the information, programs, and services that best suit your requirements.  You can also start your quest for information by exploring the sites listed in this section.  There is a wealth of information on the internet on exporting and services and programs offered by TTNS partners. Explore on your own or contact  the Canada/Nova Scotia Business Service Centre.

Skills Development

There are a wide variety of skill development programs available to new exporters and to more experienced exporters seeking to expand their market.  This section lists a variety of export guides, programs and courses, compiled to help you find the skill development programs that best meet your needs.  You may want to start with the CBSC’s Exporting Info Guide.  Take advantage of one of the many programs offered to strengthen your exporting capabilities.  Check this section regularly as we will update the courses available in our region as they become available.

Advisory Services

Trade Team Nova Scotia is dedicated to offering Nova Scotia companies export advice.  The programs and services listed in this section range from general assessment tools to more targeted programs geared to specifically address your needs. Export-readiness assessment tools offer a means to measure your export abilities.  The export plan development and implementation services take you from the assessment stage to actively creating and implementing an export plan that will move your exporting in the direction that you have identified.

Market Entry Support

You’ve started with the CBSC and on-line resources, you’ve developed the necessary export skills, and you have begun to implement your export plan.  Now, you may need some market entry support.  The links and services in this section are designed to ease your entry into a new market by providing the information and research you need to make sound export decisions. There is a wealth of information available on market intelligence and sector and country information on-line.   Check our events calendar and this section for upcoming trade shows in your target sector and market.  There are also several programs available to help your company finance the initial market entry stages.

Export Financing

There are numerous export financing options available from TTNS members and other sources.  Consult the agencies listed in this section to help you identify the right source for export financing.  

In-Market Assistance

In-market assistance can be accessed through the Trade Commissioner Service.  With offices in more than 133 cities worldwide, the Trade Commissioner Service provides personalized services to Canadian companies engaged in international business activities. The 500 trade officers operating from Canadian embassies and consulates offer in-market assistance across the full spectrum of exporting, investment and technology exchange.  The first step in accessing these services is to register for the Virtual Trade Commissioner.

Thinking about exporting?  Start here