Journey Woman

Macabi Skirts

What Should I Wear, Where?

Culturally Correct Clothing Advice

At Journeywoman, we believe that the way a woman dresses as she moves around the world is very important.

  • It affects her safety.
  • It affects her social interactions.
  • It can make or break her travel adventure.
  • (And, if she packs too much, carrying her bags can make her very tired, very cranky and very vulnerable!)

Therefore, in true networking style, we're asking you to offer other women the benefit of your experiences. Culturally correct clothing -- What worked for you? What didn't? How much did you pack or, how little? Any problems when you didn't dress appropriately?

A "Clothes Make the Woman" Survey

Please fill in the following survey identifying yourself only by first name and city. If you leave your e-mail address, that's a bonus. We'll be able to be in touch with you if we need further info.

First Name (only):
E-mail address (optional):
I travelled in (country):
My culturally correct clothing advice:

Travelling to a particular destination?

Simply click on the first letter of that country and you're on your way to terrific "what-to-wear" tips. You may notice that some letters of the alphabet have been omitted. That's because we haven't received tips about countries beginning with those letters yet. However, we will add them as you send any new advice.

A | B | C | D |E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

General Clothing advice? Click here..

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