Nova Scotia ImmigrationNova Scotia Immigration
Nova Scotia Employers
Business Mentor Program


Nova Scotia Employers and Businesses
Business Mentor Program

The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration is actively recruiting businesses in good standing to serve as Business Mentors for immigrants who are nominated under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program's Economic stream. The purpose of the Business Mentor Program is to provide Nova Scotia nominees with Canadian work experience as well as an orientation to the Nova Scotia labour market and economic environment.

The Business Mentor, if approved by the province and later matched with a nominee, provides the nominee with an employment contract, in a middle management position, for a minimum period of six months with a minimum salary of $20,000. These and other employment and mentorship costs are covered by a $100,000 contribution made by the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration to the approved business in two installments of $50,000. The first installment of $50,000 is provided at the beginning of the employment contract once the employment match has been approved by the province. The second installment of $50,000 is provided at the end of the employment contract provided the contract has been completed and has met provincial terms and conditions.

What do Business Mentors do?

Business mentors help nominees to:

  • gain valuable work experience in Canada

  • access employment and/or educational opportunities

  • gain an orientation to business operations in Nova Scotia

  • review their work options in Nova Scotia

  • network within the business community and encourage them to join business oriented organizations

  • develop industry and business related contacts and knowledge

  • expand their social network and orient then to the broader community

  • gain self confidence in a new society work place and culture
What do Nominees do?
  • bring their skills, knowledge and expertise to the Nova Scotia business

  • share business practices and cross cultural information within the business

  • possibly create opportunities for participation in international markets for the mentor by tapping into contacts from their home country

  • help the business mentor to develop cross cultural perspectives, which may translate into broader business opportunities

How to Apply?

Nova Scotia businesses can apply to the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration to become a business mentor if they meet eligibility criteria.

Please carefully review and follow the instructions outlined in the NSNP Business Mentor Application Guide and Form.

Nova Scotia Business Mentor Application Guide - revised November 2006. Please click here.

Nova Scotia Business Mentor Application Form. Please click here.

What are the Fees?

There are no application fees for businesses which apply on or after July 1, 2006. Companies which applied before July 1, 2006, but are matched after July 1, 2006, will pay a $2,500 application fee upon matching (unless they have pre-paid).

Do businesses need to pay an agent or broker to apply as a NSNP Business Mentor?

No. Businesses DO NOT need to pay a broker, consultant or agent to apply as a NSNP Business Mentor or to qualify to receive an employment match. Businesses can access the application form on-line free of charge. The form is designed to be easy for businesses to understand and to complete on their own. Any eligible company can apply without paying for the services of a representative/consultant. Similarly, nominees should not incur additional costs for the Business Mentor Program. The cost is included as part of the NSNP fees nominees pay.

The Business Mentor Program is not associated with any representative/consultant/broker. Businesses which are contacted by private individuals who state that they are representing the NSNP or the Province of Nova Scotia to facilitate the employment matching are encouraged to contact the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration immediately to receive the correct information.

The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration will deal directly with businesses and nominees, rather than third-party consultants, brokers and agents, to approve businesses or to facilitate a nominee-business match.

For more information:

Business Mentor Program
Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
1741 Brunswick Street, Suite 110A
PO Box 1535
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2Y3
Ph: 902-424-5230
Fax: 902-424-7936

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Comments to Last updated on 18-Oct-2005.

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