About La Vérendrye Trail

Located in Manitoba's most diverse tourism region, La Vérendrye Trail is comprised of five distinct corridors within Northeastern Manitoba, each with its own geographical and cultural uniqueness. Use the Trail as an exciting opportunity to explore the adventurous heart of Manitoba's historical and cultural past. Explore the heart of La Vérenedrye region by travelling the East-West Corridor. Travellers coming from the west begin their adventure at the historical Forks in Winnipeg, where the Red and Assiniboine Rivers meet. Then follow the path of the fur traders along the Red River to the beaches of Lake Winnipeg. Adventurers coming from the east experience the rugged Whiteshell Corridor by following the Winnipeg River to the great fresh water sea, Lake Winnipeg.

For more information or a copy of La VérendryeTrail Travel Guide e-mail

e-mail iconlvt@granite.mb.ca

Your trail guide, Pierre

This project was initiated and coordinated by
Winnipeg River Brokenhead Community Futures Development Corporation
and funded by business and corporate partners of the La Vérendrye Trail Association.

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