Department of Health and Social Care

Latest from the Department of Health and Social Care

  1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) information leaflet
  2. Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK
  3. East Kent Hospitals maternity services: HSIB summary report

See all latest documents

What the Department of Health and Social Care does

We support ministers in leading the nation’s health and social care to help people live more independent, healthier lives for longer.

DHSC is a ministerial department, supported by 29 agencies and public bodies.

Read more about what we do


Our ministers

Our management

Sir Chris Wormald KCB
Sir Chris Wormald KCB
Permanent Secretary
Professor Chris Whitty
Chief Medical Officer, DHSC Chief Scientific Adviser
David Williams
Director General, Finance and Group Operations, Second Permanent Secretary
Clara Swinson
Director General, Global and Public Health
Lee McDonough
Director General, Acute Care and Workforce
Jonathan Marron
Director General, Community and Social Care
Matthew Gould

Special representatives

Professor Dame Sally Davies
Professor Dame Sally Davies
UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance

Contact DHSC

General enquiries

Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries Unit
Department of Health and Social Care
39 Victoria Street
United Kingdom


0207 210 4850


0115 902 3202


0207 222 2262

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
The textphone service is for people with a hearing impairment

Make an FOI request

  1. Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
  2. Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
  3. Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.

Freedom of information (FOI) requests

Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries Unit
Department of Health and Social Care
39 Victoria Street
United Kingdom

High profile groups within DHSC

  1. Healthcare UK
  2. Broadmoor Hospital investigation
  3. Office for Life Sciences

Corporate information

Jobs and contracts

  1. Working for DHSC
  2. Procurement at DHSC
  3. Jobs

Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information.