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Overview - Office of Economic Development

Our vision

A thriving Nova Scotia that by the year 2010 is the best place in Canada to live, work, do business and raise families.

Who we are

The Office of Economic Development (OED) leads the province's economic-development, innovation, and technology support systems.

In partnership with other departments and governments, with businesses, and with communities, OED provides corporate leadership in helping to create the conditions for a productive and sustainable economy throughout Nova Scotia.

Core business functions
  • Leadership and coordination
  • Business climate
  • Technology and information management
  • Innovation
  • Regional capacity.

Key Policy Documents

Three key government policy documents govern the development of policies and initiatives within OED's core business areas:
  • Opportunities for Prosperity, the economic growth strategy
  • Innovative Nova Scotia, the innovation policy
  • Business and Technology Strategy, the strategy of the government-IT community for aligning information and technology with the business vision of government.

Chief Executive Officer

OED operates within a team-based environment where staff from five divisions work jointly on projects and initiatives. These divisions are:
  • Decision Support
    Decision Support provides research, evaluation, and performance-measurement leadership to all aspects of the economic development, innovation, and technology system. It focuses on the "big picture," ensuring the system is effectively supporting economic growth. This section also leads overall management of relations with the department's agencies, boards and commissions.

  • Strategic Initiatives
    Strategic Initiatives provides leadership, planning, management, and other support to the strategic initiatives that are undertaken to advance the economic development, innovation, and technology system's agenda.

  • Policies and Strategies
    Policies and Strategies provides research, analysis, leadership and support for the development of government polices and plans for economic development, innovation and technology.

  • Community and Rural Development
    Provides information, advice, and resources to support development, to provincial, regional, and local organizations as well as the business community.
    Community and Rural Development

  • Procurement
    Procurement provides a variety of electronic tools for vendors to use to access information on the goods and services required by the Province of Nova Scotia or to develop business opportunities with the Province. This site also provides access to information on goods or services required by the provincial MASH sector (Municipal governments, Academic institutes, School boards, and Hospitals).

A number of major projects currently being managed through these divisions are as follows:
  • E-Procurement Initiative
    The strategy of the e-Procurement Initiative is to provide decision-making information in a timely and cost effective manner.

  • Innovative Nova Scotia
    The Innovative Nova Scotia policy framework has been developed to stimulate awareness of and discussion on the importance of maximizing the impact of innovation to enhance economic growth and employment in this province.

  • eMerge
    Sharing information technology across the public sector is a strategic objective of the Government of Nova Scotia. Project eMerge is implementing one HR/payroll system for school boards and provincial departments.

  • Brand Nova Scotia
    This initiative is being used as a vehicle to leverage individual and internal economic development initiatives as well as private-sector opportunities to create a shared vision, purpose, and goal for the economic well-being for the province.

  • Community Access Program (CAP)
    The Community Access Program is designed to assist communities to establish public Internet access sites and to train local citizens to make use of information technologies for social and economic benefit to the individual and to the community.

  • Information Economy Initiative
    The Information Economy Initiative is a project that provides Internet connections, hardware, software, technical support and professional development for schools, universities and communities across Nova Scotia.

  • Community Development Policy
    The objective of the initiative is to develop a provincial policy that will define government's role in supporting communities to increase their sustainability.

  • Regional Development Authorities
    These coordinating agencies throughout the province lead economic development at the local level in their respective communities. RDAs are supported by, and collaborate with, the private sector and all three levels of government.

  • Community Economic Development Investment Funds
    A CEDIF is a pool of capital formed through the sale of shares or units to persons within a defined community. The fund is created to operate or invest in a business or businesses in that community.

  • Small Business Financing Program (Credit Union)
    This program gives small business access to capital through a loan guarantee program initiated by the Office of Economic Development, Credit Union Central, and the NS Co-operative Council. Loans up to $150,000 will be offered through 39 credit unions across the province.

  • Industrial Expansion Fund
    The objective of the Industrial Expansion Fund (IEF) is to assist in the development and/or expansion of industry in Nova Scotia.
    Industrial Development Act, Section 222, subsection (3)

  • Business Climate Index
    The Nova Scotia Business Climate Index monitors and compares Nova Scotia’s business climate nationally and in Atlantic Canada using comparable measures.

  • Provincial Trade Strategy
    The strategy will serve to focus provincial government efforts to address the needs of exporters. A cross-departmental committee, led by OED, will develop the Strategy.

Agencies, boards, and commissions

OED is responsible for five agencies of government:
  • Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI)
    While OED works on constantly improving Nova Scotia's business climate, Nova Scotia Business Inc. is the province's primary point of access for investors and businesses.

  • InNOVAcorp
    InNOVAcorp helps companies succeed in their early stages by promoting innovation and commercialization of new products and technologies through venture capital investment, mentoring, and incubation facilities and services.

  • Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation
    The NSFDC provides a wide range of innovative programs and services to build the capacity and competitiveness of the province's film, television, and new-media industries.

  • Trade Centre Ltd.
    Trade Centre Limited is a dynamic organization that is comprised of the Halifax Metro Centre, the Atlantic Canada World Trade Centre, the World Trade Centre Tower, Events Halifax, Exhibition Park and the World Trade and Convention Centre. It develops the business-hospitality and entertainment industry in order to deliver economic and social benefits to the community.

  • Waterfront Development Corporation
    WDC provides property acquisition, management, and development within designated areas in Bedford, Dartmouth, and Halifax. The agency also provides marketing and promotion designed to attract public use of waterfronts and coordinates and plans the waterfronts of Bedford, Dartmouth, and Halifax.

Latest News Releases:
• Agreement Reached to Keep Ferry Service Running
October 30, 2006
• Selling to Government in Halifax
October 17, 2006
• Nova Scotia Committed to Help Keep Ferry Service
September 27, 2006
• Selling to Government in Shelburne Area
September 22, 2006
More >>

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