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Equity Tax Credit Regulations

made under Section 27 of the
Equity Tax Credit Act
S.N.S. 1993, c. 3
O.I.C. 94-86 (February 2, 1994), N.S. Reg. 18/94
as amended up to O.I.C. 2004-152 (March 30, 2004), N.S. Reg. 43/2004

1 These regulations may be cited as the "Equity Tax Credit Regulations".

2 In the Equity Tax Credit Act and these regulations,

(a) "consumer co-operative" means an association, as determined by the Director of Co- operatives, that undertakes or carries on an active business where the majority of its revenue is received from its members and such membership is not restricted to an individual that would be a member of a marketing, producer or employee co-operative;

(aa) "defined community" means a group of persons situated within the Province that may be reasonably distinguished by common geographic, economic or cultural characteristics;
Clause 2(aa) added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(b) "eligible business entity" means a taxable Canadian corporation, of which all or substantially all of the fair market value of the property is attributable to property used in an active business or the shares of capital stock of one or more corporations that are eligible business entities where

(i) the total value of the total assets of the business entity and all associated corporations does not exceed $25 000 000.00, when calculated in accordance with Section 7,
Subclause 2(b)(i) amended: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(ii) the number of employees of the business entity does not exceed 500, and

(iii) at least 25% of salaries and wages paid by the business entity are paid in Nova Scotia;

(c) "employee co-operative" means an association, as determined by the Director of Co- operatives,

(i) that undertakes or carries on business with the marketing, buying, selling, preserving, harvesting, drying, processing, manufacturing, canning, packing, grading, storing, handling or utilizing of any product, or the manufacturing or marketing of the by-products thereof, whose stated objective in its Articles of Association is to provide employment for its members and where such membership is restricted to employees of the association, or

(ii) that takes or otherwise acquires and holds shares, stock, debentures or takes securities of or acquires and holds membership in a single Association that would be a consumer, marketing or producer co-operative that

(A) sells voting shares only to permanent employees of that association, and

(B) has at least one seat on the Board of Directors of that association;

(d) "individual" does not include a trust except a trust governed by a registered retirement savings plan where

(i) the individual makes contributions to the trust and those contributions, and no other funds, can reasonably be considered to have been used by the trust to acquire or subscribe for the share, and

(ii) the annuitant under the plan is the individual or a spouse of the individual.
Clause 2(d) amended and subclauses 2(d)(i)-(ii) added: O.I.C. 94-793, N.S. Reg. 185/94.

(e) "marketing co-operative" means an association, as determined by the Director of Co- operatives, that undertakes or carries on business with the marketing, buying or selling of any product with a majority of its purchases of goods and services made from members;

(f) "producer co-operative" means an association, as determined by the Director of Co- operatives, that undertakes or carries on business with the preserving, harvesting, drying, processing, manufacturing, canning, packing, grading, storing, handling or utilizing of any product, or the manufacturing or marketing of the by-products thereof, with a majority of its purchases of goods and services made from members;

(g) "salaries and wages paid in the Province" means remuneration paid to full time employees of an eligible business who reside in the Province and who regularly work at a permanent establishment the eligible business located in the Province;

(h) "specified investment" means

(i) a share that was issued to a labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation or a community economic-development corporation that is a share of the capital stock of an eligible business entity at the time the share was issued,
Subclause 2(h)(i) replaced: O.I.C. 94-793, N.S. Reg. 185/94; amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(ii) a particular debt obligation that was issued to the labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation or a community economic-development corporation by an entity that was an eligible business entity at the time the particular debt obligation was issued where
Subclause 2(h)(ii) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(A) the entity is not restricted by the terms of the particular debt obligation or by the terms of any agreement related to that obligation from incurring other debts,

(B) the particular debt obligation, if secured, is secured solely by a floating charge on the assets of the entity or by a guarantee referred to in subclause (iii), and

(C) the particular debt obligation, by its terms or any agreement relating to that obligation, is subordinate to all other debt obligations of the entity, except that, where the entity is a corporation, the particular debt obligation need not be subordinate to

(I) a debt obligation issued by the entity that is prescribed to be a small business security for the purposes of paragraph (a) of the definition "small business property" in subsection 206(1) of said Income Tax Act (Canada), or

(II) a debt obligation owing to a shareholder of the entity or to a person related to any such shareholder,

(iii) a guarantee provided by the labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation or a community economic-development corporation in respect of a debt obligation that would, if the debt obligation had been issued to the particular corporation at the time the guarantee was provided, have been an eligible investment by reason of subclause (ii) at that time, or
Subclause 2(h)(iii) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351; N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(iv) an option or a right granted by an eligible business entity, in conjunction with the issue of a share or debt obligation that is an eligible investment, to acquire a share of the capital stock of the eligible business entity that would be an eligible investment if that share were acquired at the time that the option or right was granted;

(i) "voting share" means, where that share refers to an association, a share that would, if it were the only share owned by the member, entitle the member to a vote in the affairs of the association.

3 For the purposes of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act, the criteria for a community economic-development corporation or association are that the corporation or association

(a) has a constitution that

(i) restricts the business of the corporation or association to

(A) operating or carrying on business that is an active business or to evaluating and making eligible investments in one or more active businesses based on a set of criteria defined by the corporation,

(B) providing information to and educating investors in the defined community as to the role of capital in business, the value of equity investments to the defined community and the rights and obligations of corporations and shareholders,
Paragraph 3(a)(i)(B) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(C) investing the capital raised, to which a tax credit pursuant to the Act has been issued, in eligible businesses located within the defined community,
Paragraph 3(a)(i)(C) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(D) exercising ownership rights with respect to the eligible investments made by the corporation,

(E) providing the administrative support necessary to carry on the business of the corporation, including preparation of annual reports and the holding of meetings of shareholders and the Board of Directors,

(ii) describes the defined community for which the corporation was formed,
Subclause 3(a)(ii) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(iii) makes provisions for annual general meetings of the shareholders;

(b) has a Board of Directors, elected by the shareholders at a general meeting of the shareholders, consisting of not less than six individuals who are residents of the community in which the corporation or association carries on business; and

(c) is not a non-profit, charitable or non-taxable corporation or association.

4 For the purposes of clause (e) of said Section 2 of the Act, a community economic- development plan shall contain or make provisions for at least the following:

(a) a mission statement outlining the economic-development strategy of the corporation and the defined community it intends to serve;
Clause 4(a) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(b) the amount of equity capital to be raised under the plan;

(c) that the shares issued under the plan

(i) are equity shares,

(ii) are of only one class without series and have never previously been issued,

(iii) will only be issued from the treasury of the corporation on being fully paid for in cash,

(iv) will, immediately following their issue, be registered in the name of each shareholder that purchases them or in the name of a trustee, if the shares are held by the trustee for the benefit of a shareholder, and

(v) do not have any rights or restrictions that may be prohibited by these regulations;

(d) that, if a share certificate is not required to be issued to each new shareholder, an investment confirmation be issued to each new shareholder within thirty days of share registration, setting out at least the following:

(i) the number of shares acquired,

(ii) the price paid per share,

(iii) the total amount paid,

(v)[(iv)] the procedure for obtaining the tax credit receipt pursuant to the Act.

5 For the purposes of subclause (iv) of clause (k) of said Section 2, there shall be a minimum of 3 eligible investors.

6 (1) For the purposes of clause (f) of subsection (1) of Section 3 and clause (d) of subsection (1) of Section 11, an application shall contain a business plan containing at least the following information:

(a) the amount of equity to be raised by the specified issue;

(b) the proposed use of funds raised by the specified issue;

(c) a summary of the major business activities of the corporation or association, including major revenue sources;

(d) a listing of the Directors of the eligible business including names, addresses and background information.
Subsection 6(2) repealed: O.I.C. 2002-323, N.S. Reg. 88/2002.

7 (1) For the purposes of clause (d) of Section 4 of the Act, the total assets of an eligible business at the end of a taxation year as shown in its financial statements, means the aggregate of the following amounts shown in those financial statements:

(a) the amounts which are the net carrying costs of assets, other than assets the cost of which is depreciated or amortized; and

(b) the amounts which are the undepreciated cost and unamortized cost of those assets, the cost of which is depreciated or amortized.

(2) There shall be no duplication in calculating the amounts referred to in subsection (1).

(3) If any portion of the appraisal surplus in respect of any assets shown in the financial statements has been depreciated or amortized by the corporation, the amount referred to in subsection (1) shall be the amount of the appraisal surplus in respect of the asset, less the amount of all depreciation or amortization taken in respect of such appraisal surplus.

(4) For the purposes of clause (f) of said Section 4 of the Act, an association shall undertake or carry on business as a marketing, producer or employee co-operative as defined in these regulations.

8 For the purposes of subsection (1) of Section 8 of the Act, an eligible business shall make an application for a tax credit certificate, on or before the tenth day of the month following the month in which a share was issued, as part of a specified issue for which the tax credit is being requested.
Section 9 repealed: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

10 (1) For the purpose of clause 9(2)(b) and clause 18A(2)(b) of the Act,

(a) no repayment of the amount referred to in clause 9(2)(a) or clause 18A(2)(a) of the Act is required where the disposition is

(i) a result of the death of the person who held the share,

(ii) with respect to a share that was purchased as part of a specified issue of shares by a corporation only to its employees, a result of involuntary loss of employment,

(iii) to a registered retirement savings plan or a registered retirement income fund pursuant to the Income Tax Act (Canada),

(iv) a result of the corporation that issued the share ceasing to conduct business because of, in the opinion of the Minister, the financial failure of the corporation, or

(v) a result of an exchange of a share of one series in a class of shares for a share of a different series in the same class of shares, if each series of shares within the class meets the eligibility requirements of the Act;
Subclause 10(1)(a)(v) added: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.
Clause 10(1)(a) amended: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.

(b) no repayment of the amount referred to in clause 18A(2)(a) of the Act is required if the tax credit is not claimed against taxes payable and the tax credit receipt is returned to the labour- sponsored venture-capital corporation within 60 days of issue;
Clause 10(1)(b) amended: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.

(c) where the disposition is a result of the wind-up or dissolution of the corporation that issued the share for reasons other than as provided in subclause (a)(iv), repayment to the Minister shall be in the amount that is determined by multiplying the total amount of the tax credits received in respect of the shares by 48 minus the number of months the shares have been held, divided by 48 months.
Subsection 10(1) amended: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.

(1A) A share acquired in accordance with subclause (1)(a)(v) is deemed to have been acquired on the date on which the original share that was held before the exchange was acquired.
Subsection 10(1A) added: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.

(2) Upon application, the Minister may waive or prorate repayment of an amount referred to in subsection 9(2) or subsection 18A(2) of the Act.
Subsection 10(2) amended: O.I.C. 2004-152, N.S. Reg. 43/2004.
Section 10 replaced: O.I.C. 2003-342, N. S. Reg. 141/2003.

11 For the purposes of clause (f) of Section 12 of the Act, an association shall carry on business as a marketing, producer or employee co-operative as defined in these regulations.

12 (1) For the purposes of Section 15 of the Act, the criteria that shall be met for a corporation to be a registered labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation are:

(a) the corporation is incorporated pursuant to the Companies Act;

(b) the corporation has not previously carried on a business, other than business related to obtaining registration pursuant to the Act;

(c) the corporation has or will have, immediately after registration and thereafter, equity capital of at least twenty-five thousand dollars;

(d) the corporation has authorized capital consisting of shares of one class without par value which have the following rights, privileges, restrictions or conditions:

(i) the corporation shall not redeem or purchase equity shares of that class, except on death of the shareholder, until the time set out in subsection 18A(2) of the Act has expired,
Subclause 12(1)(d)(i) amended: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

(ii) the holder of equity shares, or the holder's personal representative, has the right to require the corporation to redeem such equity shares on the holder's death or under any circumstances that may be prescribed pursuant to these regulations;

(e) the corporation has a constitution that restricts the business of the corporation to

(i) assisting businesses in creating and maintaining employment by making specified investments in eligible business entities,

(ii) exercising ownership rights with respect to investments made by the corporation in eligible business entities,

(iii) providing the administrative support necessary to carry on the business of the corporation, including preparation of annual reports and the holding of meetings of shareholders and the Board of Directors;

(f) the corporation is incorporated by a trade union, as defined in the Trade Union Act, that has filed its constitution and by-laws with the Minister of Environment and Labour;

(g) the articles of incorporation provide that the majority of the directors appointed to the Board of Directors are appointed by the trade union that sponsored the corporation, that only that trade union may replace or remove any director appointed by that trade union and that at least two seats on the Board be reserved for members elected from the general shareholders;

(h) that the issue of shares complies with the Securities Act and regulations.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the criteria for a corporation that is registered pursuant to subsection 204.81(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) are:

(a) that the issue of shares complies with the Securities Act and regulations;

(b) that, in the opinion of the Minister, the corporation intends to use a significant portion of the funds raised from the issue of shares in the Province, for which a tax credit receipt was issued, to make specified investments in eligible business entities as defined by these regulations.

13 (1) For the purposes of subsection (1) of Section 17 of the Act, the Minister may revoke a certificate of eligibility where the corporation

(a) has not, with respect to equity capital raised in the Province

(i) before March 1, 2001, invested at least 80% of the equity capital in eligible business entities or reserves as defined in subsection 204.8(3) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) at any time in the first 3 years immediately following the end of the corporation's taxation year in which the equity capital was raised;

(ii) on or after March 1, 2001, invested at least 80% of the equity capital in eligible business entities or reserves as defined in subsection 204.8(3) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) at any time in the first 12 months immediately following the end of the corporation's taxation year in which the equity capital was raised;
Clause 13(1)(a) replaced: O.I.C. 2002-323, N.S. Reg. 88/2002.

(aa) has not invested at least 60% of the equity capital raised in the Province in the corporation's taxation year in eligible business entities within 1 year immediately following the time referred to in clause (a); or
Clause 13(1)(aa) added: O.I.C. 94-793, N.S. Reg. 185/94; replaced: O.I.C. 2002-323, N.S. Reg. 88/2002.

(b) has been suspended or otherwise restricted from issuing shares in the Province by the Nova Scotia Securities Commission.

(1A) For the purposes of clauses 1(a) and 1(aa), investments

(a) disposed of by the labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation are deemed to be invested for only 9 months after disposal;

(b) do not include any portion of any publicly traded company whose cost exceeds 15% of the total equity capital raised in the Province by the corporation unless the investment was held prior to the investment becoming a publicly traded company.
Subsection 13(1A) added: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(2) Where a certificate of registration has been revoked by the Minister, the Minister may require the corporation to pay, within 90 days of the date of revocation, a penalty equal to the aggregate of

(a) 20% of all amounts raised through the issue of shares for which a tax credit certificate was issued,


(b) 20% of all amounts invested by the corporation in eligible business entities.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the Minister may waive a penalty if, in the opinion of the Minister, the corporation is or will be eligible for a new certificate of registration upon application.

(4) Where a corporation is required to pay a penalty pursuant to said subsection (2), the Minister may assess interest from the date that such payment is required to be made to the date the payment is made, at a rate equal to that set by regulation 4300 of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

14 For the purposes of clause (e) of subsection (3) of Section 18 of the Act, the aggregate of all labour-sponsored venture-capital tax credits issued pursuant to Part II of the Act for the fiscal year of the province shall not exceed five million dollars.

15 For the purposes of Section 20 of the Act, the annual return shall be filed on a form acceptable to the Minister and contain at least the following information:

(a) a copy of all forms and schedules required to be filed for the purposes of the Income Tax Act, including financial statements required by that Act;

(b) a list of all individuals who have made an investment in the corporation, association or labour-sponsored venture-capital corporation, as the case may be, in the taxation year and such list shall include the individual's name, social insurance number, address, amount of investment made and the date of the investment;

(c) details of investments, including financial statements of investees, made by a community economic-development corporation sufficient to determine compliance with clause 16(a);
Clause 15(c) added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000; amended: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(d) details of any purchase, redemption or acquisition of its shares by a community economic-development corporation sufficient to determine compliance with clause 16(b).
Clause 15(d) added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

16 (1) For purposes of clause 6(1)(d) of the Act, the Minister may revoke a certificate of registration of a community economic-development corporation where the corporation

(a) has not invested

(i) at least 40% of the equity capital raised in the Province in an eligible business entity within 12 months after the closing date of a specified issue,

(ii) at least 60% of the equity capital raised in the Province in an eligible business entity within 24 months after the closing date of a specified issue, or
Subclause 16(1)(a)(ii) amended: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(iii) at least 80% of the equity capital raised in the Province in an eligible business entity within 36 months after the closing date of a specified issue;

(b) has purchased, redeemed or otherwise acquired shares issued by it if

(i) the cost of the purchase, redemption or acquisition exceeds 20% of the corporation's retained earnings, or

(ii) the purchase, redemption or acquisition results in the corporation being unable to pay its liabilities as they become due;

(c) fails to comply with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Community Economic- Development Corporations Regulations;

(d) fails to provide the applicable information or returns as provided in clauses 15(c) or (d).
Section 16 renumbered 16(1): O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(2) In lieu of revoking a certificate under subsection (1) the Minister may, if a corporation does not meet the requirements of clause 1(a), do any or all of the following:

(a) impose a 1% per month reduction of the guarantee provided pursuant to Section 13A of the Act;

(b) assess a penalty equal to 1/6 of any shortfall unless imposition of the penalty would result in the bankruptcy of the corporation.
Subsection 16(2) added: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

(3) A corporation may apply to the Minister for a reinstatement of the full amount of the guarantee reduced pursuant to clause 2(a), or a refund of the penalty amount imposed pursuant to clause (2)(b), as the case may be, if the corporation subsequently meets the requirements of clause 1(a).
Subsection 16(3) added: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.
Section 16 added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

17 (1) For purposes of subsection 13A(2) of the Act, and subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4),

(a) where a community economic-development corporation is dissolved at any time on or before the 4th an[n]iversary of the closing date of an issue, the Province shall pay to each eligible investor in the corporation an amount equal to the difference between the amount received by the eligible investor on the wind-up of the corporation and 20% of the eligible investor's investment in the corporation;

(b) where, on the 4th anniversary of the closing date of an issue, an independent valuation of the community economic-development corporation determines the value of eligible investments to be less than 20% of the initial eligible investments, the Province shall pay to each eligible investor the difference between the amount of the valuation and 20% of the eligible investor's initial investment.

(2) An application for payment pursuant to subsection (1) shall be

(a) made by the community economic-development corporation on behalf of its eligible investors;

(b) supported by an independent valuation carried out by a chartered business valuator;

(c) submitted to the Minister no later than 3 months after the 4th anniversary of the closing date of the issue in respect of which the application is being made.

(3) For greater certainty,

(a) the guarantee provided for in Section 13A of the Act shall be for a period not exceeding 4 years from the closing date of an issue;

(b) where the Province has made a payment pursuant to this Section, the Province shall have no further obligation respecting a guarantee of the issue in respect of which payment was made.
Section 17 added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

18 (1) For purposes of this Section, "restricted area" means the geographical areas of the Province comprising the former cities of Halifax and Dartmouth, the former town of Bedford, and the area commonly known as Sackville.

(2) No guarantee of an eligible investment shall be given where the proceeds of a special issue arising from the eligible investment are invested by a community economic-development corporation in a restricted area.

(3) Despite subsection (2), where a community economic-development corporation invests a portion of the proceeds in a restricted area and a portion of the proceeds outside a restricted area, a guarantee as described in Section 17 shall apply to that portion invested outside of the restricted area.
Section 18 added: O.I.C. 2000-351, N.S. Reg. 124/2000.

19 For the purposes of Section 19 of the Act, the register must contain the name, address and registration certificate number of each corporation registered pursuant to the Act.
Section 19 added: O.I.C. 2003-342, N.S. Reg. 141/2003.

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