The Department

Information Access and Privacy

In keeping with the spirit of openness and accountability, Environment and Labour is committed to providing ease of access to anyone requesting information of the Department. The Department provides a coordinated approach allowing for various ways in which individuals may request access to records in the custody and control of the Department and its agencies, boards, commissions, and tribunals.

The privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) are administered by Nova Scotia Environment and Labour (NSEL) to actively address the privacy concerns of individuals such as the collection of, and access to, personal information, as well as adherence to the Nova Scotia Website Privacy Policy.

Access to different types of records may be requested through the following processes:

Routine Disclosure Policy

This policy is designed to provide persons with an opportunity to obtain certain categories of records without having to submit a formal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) application.

Environmental Registry

The Environmental Registry allows for the routine disclosure of specific environmental records (as defined in the Environment Act, S.10) upon request.

Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP)

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act provides access to most records under the control of the provincial government, while protecting the privacy of individuals who do not want their personal information made public. The Act strives for balance between an individual’s right to know and an individual’s right to privacy.

Active Dissemination of Information

NSEL periodically and proactively releases information or
records via the Internet, Library, community booths, training sessions, etc. A collection of books, periodicals, government documents, reports, and audio-visual materials is accessible in the Library.


Last Updated: 2005-Jun-14
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