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Business Occupancy Assessments

According to the Assessment Act, every person occupying or using any commercial property shall be assessed for a sum to be called business occupancy assessment. There are some exceptions which are outlined in the Assessment Act.

When commencing a business you must provide the following information to Assessment Services:

  • the type and name of the business
  • mailing address
  • location of the business
  • square footage occupied
  • rent paid (where applicable)
  • start date

The assessed business occupancy owner is required to notify their regional assessment office within 7 days of any opening and within 30 days of a closing or change in space occupied.

Business Occupancy Online Enquiry Form

Further Information

Seasonal Tourist Business Designation

The deadline for application for a Seasonal Tourist Business Designation in the year 2006 was September 1 2005.

For further information on this program view the 2006 Seasonal Tourist Business Designation Application Form
(in reference to Bill No. 191 - Municipal Law Amendment (2005) Act)

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2006, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.