Agriculture and Fisheries Photos
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Routine Access Policy - Schedule B
Date Published: October 23, 2003
Date Revised: December 16, 2004

Schedule "B"
Routine Access Records

This Schedule provides the list of records that the Department will routinely release within the scope of this policy.

Document Release Parameter
Agreement - Aquaculture Lease (current agreement with schedules, personal or confidential information removed, and contains a disclosure statement) One copy of an agreement per request
Agreement - Aquaculture Licence (current agreement with schedules, personal or confidential information removed, and contains a disclosure statement) One copy of an agreement per request
Agreement - Rockweed Lease (current agreement with schedules, personal or confidential information removed and contains a disclosure statement) One copy of an agreement per request
Agreements with other governments for program(s) (approved program agreement that contains a disclosure statement which may require the severing of personal/confidential information) One copy of an agreement per request
Audits of Programs (final audit) One copy of most recent audit of a program per request
Financial Information:  
1. Contract for goods or services subject to FOIPOP restrictions (confidential business, proprietary or personal information removed) 1. One copy of a contract within current fiscal year per request
2. Cost of overtime expenditures 2. Copy of current year-to-date expenditures for a Department, Branch, Division or Section per request
3. Cost of renovations for specific offices 3. One copy of expenditures for a specific renovation carried out within the previous six months per request
4. Cost of sending a delegation out of the province or out of the country 4. Copy of expenditures for the delegation within three months of event having taken place per request
5. Cost of special or specific events (e.g., conferences, luncheons, workshops, training, etc.) 5. Copy of expenditures for one event within three months of event having taken place per request
6. Detailed expenditure reports, by main categories
(e.g. salaries, travel, special services etc.)
6. Copy of expenditures for 3 categories within current fiscal year by Branch, Division or Section per request
7. Expense Claim
(individual monthly travel expense claims)
(personal or confidential information removed)
7. Copy of claim(s) for a three month period within the current fiscal year and for a maximum of three individuals per request
8. Expense Summary - Ministerial Monthly Expense Summary (provided to Executive Council office)
(personal or confidential information removed)
8. Copy of claim(s) for a three month period within the current fiscal year per request
Fisheries Licensing and Investigation Inspection Statistics Report (on number of inspections) One copy of most recent report
Human Resources Information:
1. Organizational charts with position titles 1. Copy of one set of Department and/or a Branch, Division, or Section per request
2. Generic information of benefits and hours of work 2. Information relating to one position per request
3. Job descriptions, pay scale, classification of positions (unionized, non-unionized) 3. Copy of information on 3 positions per request
4. Secondment agreements, both within and outside government (excluding personal information) 4. One copy of an agreement per request
5. Personal service contracts of individuals not appointed pursuant to the Civil Service Act (excluding personal information and service or product trade secrets) 5. One copy of an agreement per request
6. Adjudication decisions 6. One copy of a decision per request
Selection and Hiring process:
7. Number of applicants for position
8. Number of persons interviewed
9. Identity of selection panel to only those being interviewed
10. Name of successful candidate, once offer of employment has been accepted
7-10 Any or all of the information on one position per request
Licence, Permits and Approvals:
1. Apple Packer Registration
2. Aquaculture Lease
3. Aquaculture Licence
4. Beekeeper and Apiary Registration
5. Dairy Processor Licence
6. Deer Farming Licence
7. Deer Meat Processors Licence
8. Fish Buyers Licence
9. Fish Processors Licence
10. Food Establishment Permit (eg. restaurants, caterers, take-outs)
11. Fur Farming Licence
12. Game Farm Licence
13. Meat Slaughtering and Processing Licence
14. Milk Distributor Licence
15. Pelting Permit
16. Rockweed Lease
17. Temporary Event Food Facility Permit
1-17 Confirmation only, that a person (includes a corporation) has a current licence, permit or approval. Maximum of five confirmations per request.
Licence, Permits and Approvals:
1. Certified Bulk Tank Graders List
(approval to release personal information)
2. Fish Processing Voluntary Closure
(personal information removed)
1. One copy of list per request
2. Confirmation of plant in voluntary closure
Livestock Health Services - Program Claim Summaries (aggregate data)
(personal or confidential information removed)
One copy per request
Annual Inspection Summaries of Dairy Farms One copy of most recent statistics per request
Routine Inspection Reports:
1. Dairy Farm Inspection Report
(personal or confidential information removed)
1. Copy of most recent inspection report for up to 5 farms per request
2. Food Safety Inspection Report
(personal or confidential information removed)
2. Copy of the most recent inspection report generated from the data base and a maximum of 3 facilities per request
3. Fish Buyer Licence Condition Compliance Checklist
(personal or confidential information removed)
3. One copy per buyer within last 12 month period per request
4. Rockweed Short Cutting Worksheet
(personal or confidential information removed)
4. One copy of one month's report on one site and within last 12 months per request
5. Rockweed Holdfast Removal Worksheet
(personal or confidential information removed)
5. One copy of one month's report on one site and within last 12 months per request
6. Voluntary Closure Inspection
(personal or confidential information removed)
6. One copy of the most recent report
Laboratory Services Annual Report One copy most recent report per request
Laboratory Services Statistical Report One copy most recent report per request
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Department and an organization regarding agricultural program funding (contains a disclosure statement) One copy of a specific MOU per request
Memorandum of Understanding/Agreements - Natural Products (contains a disclosure statement) One copy of a MOU or agreement per request
Nova Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) Senior Management Minutes (approved minutes with personal, confidential information or advice removed) Copy of a maximum of 2 sets of the most recent minutes per request
NSAC Financial and Physical Planning Committee Meeting Minutes (approved minutes with personal, confidential information or advice removed) Copy of a maximum of 2 sets of most recent minutes per request
NSAC Educational Memorandum of Understanding between the NSAC and a University, College or Institution (contains a disclosure statement) One copy of an agreement per request
NSAC Advisory Board Meeting Minutes (approved minutes with personal, confidential information or advice removed) Copy of a maximum of 2 sets of most recent minutes per request
NSAC Faculty Council Meeting Minutes (approved minutes with personal, confidential information or advice removed) Copy of a maximum of 2 sets of most recent minutes per request
Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission Minutes (approved minutes with personal, confidential information or advice removed) One copy of a set of approved minutes per request within the last 12 months
Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission Monthly Statistical Reports (confidential or personal information removed) One copy or the set of the reports produced within the last 12 months per request
One Time Record Schedules (approved schedule) One copy of one set or part of set
Occupational Health and Safety Annual Reports to the Deputy Minister (personal information or advice removed) One copy of the most recent report per request
Public speeches by Minister or Deputy Minister (with a check against delivery statement) One copy of a speech for a specific public event per request
Rockweed and Aquaculture Annual Report (summary of inspections) One copy of the previous year report
Veterinary Diagnosis Statistical Summary (Annual Report)
(confidential or personal information removed)
One copy per request

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