Nova Scotia Community Counts Home Page

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How do I browse data?

Nova Scotia Community Counts - Your Community Information Resource A community embodies a wide range of characteristics. Nova Scotia Community Counts presents socio-economic and other data that illustrate the unique nature of each community. With easily accessible information, Community Counts also allows comparisons of community resources among regional, provincial, and national levels to present a more complete picture of Nova Scotian communities. To learn more, click here .

 Recent Updates (as of November 15, 2006)
  • Added "Print All" functionality to the Community Profiles and Statistical Summary sections.

We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all parties involved in the development of this application. In particular, we appreciate the support and creative work of the Newfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency. Nova Scotia Community Counts is broadly based on the Newfoundland & Labrador Community Accounts system, which can be viewed by clicking here.

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004-2006, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
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Note on accessibility
