Architects Act Introduced

Department of Justice

November 16, 2006 13:06

A new Architects Act is being introduced to modernize legislation governing architects and harmonize it with legislation in other jurisdictions.

"This new legislation will help ensure Nova Scotia has up to date legislation governing architects," said Justice Minister Murray Scott. "The Nova Scotia Association of Architects has conducted thorough consultation regarding the new legislation."

The Nova Scotia Association of Architects has been involved in a process of updating its governing legislation, regulations and by-laws for several years. The amendments are based in part on model legislation developed to facilitate the mobility of architects working across jurisdictions.

The new act will substantially strengthen the powers of the association to uphold member requirements and conduct. It will also enable the association to deal more effectively with those practising architecture without being duly licensed.

The Nova Scotia Association of Architects has consulted its membership and key stakeholders in the development of the new legislation.


     The province is introducing a new Architects Act to

modernize legislation governing architects. It will also bring

Nova Scotia's legislation in line with other jurisdictions.

     The Nova Scotia Association of Architects has been

involved in a process of updating its governing legislation,

regulations and by-laws for several years.

     The new act will substantially strengthen the powers of the

association to uphold the member requirements and conduct. It

will also enable to deal more effectively with those practising

architecture without being duly licensed.

     The association has consulted its membership and key

stakeholders in the development of the new legislation.


Media Contact: Cathy MacIsaac
              Department of Justice