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 About Treasury and Policy Board

Our Structure

Our Minister
The Honourable Angus MacIsaac is chair of the Treasury and Policy Board, and Minister for the TPB office, in addition to being Minister of Transportation and Public Works, Minister responsible for the Sydney Steel Corporation Act and Minister responsible for Gaelic Initiatives. (Appointed February 24, 2006.)

Our Deputy Minister
Robert C. Fowler was appointed Deputy Minister of the Treasury and Policy Board on September 1, 2006. He is also Deputy Minister to the Premier and Deputy Minister of Communications Nova Scotia.

Our Assistant Deputy Minister
Margaret MacDonald, BA, LLB, was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Treasury and Policy Board on July 30, 2004.

Who works here
TPB is staffed primarily by civil servants with a number of appointed advisors. TPB serves as the main link between the political and bureaucratic structures of government. 

What we do
The TPB office provides staff support to the Executive Council and its Cabinet committees. The office also leads specific corporate initiatives and coordinates government-wide policy development and evaluation as well as budget and resource allocations.



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