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Record of Revisions - 200 Budget and Financial Management Manual

This Record of Revisions identifies the most recent revisions to the Government of Nova Scotia's Management Manuals. The tables below are organized by manual and the highlighted policy will link into the PDF file. If you would like to receive notification of updates, please join our listserv.

200 Budget and Financial Management Manual

Date Posted to the Web Chapter Policy Description of Change
1 August 2006 Chapter 9: Government Credit Cards 9.3 Gasoline Credit Cards Policy relocated from Management Manual 500
06 June 2006 Chapter 10: Advances and Prepaid Expenses 10.2 Prepaid Expenses Policy reviewed; no change
06 June 2006 Chapter 4: Financial Authority and Responsibilities 4.2 Delegation of Financial Authority Policy reviewed; no change
16 Feb 2006 Chapter 8: Accounts Receivable Management 8.5 Corporate Collection Policy New Policy
01 Nov 2005 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Introduction Policy reviewed and amended
27 July 2004 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Introduction Policy reviewed and amended
05 July 2004 Chapter 3:  Budgetary Control 3.1 Forecasting and Reporting Policy reviewed and amended
05 July 2004 Chapter 3:  Budgetary Control 3.2 Additional Appropriations or Special Warrants Policy reviewed, no change
13 April 2004 Chapter 12: Tangible Capital Assets 12 Tangible Capital Assets Policy reviewed and amended


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