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#200 Budgeting & Financial Management Manual

Table of Contents

NEW: The following policies are now available as independent pdf documents.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1 Introduction

Chapter 2 - Budgeting
2 Budgeting

Chapter 3 - Budgetary Control
3.1 Forecasting and Reporting
3.2 Additional Appropriations or Special Warrants

Chapter 4 - Financial Authority and Responsibilities
4.1 Government Reporting Entity
4.2 Delegation of Financial Authority

Chapter 5 - CFMS Financial System Overview
5.1 CFMS System Overview

Chapter 6 - Financial Reporting and Accounting Policies
6.1 General Ledger New Account Request
6.2 Month-End/Year-End Procedures
6.3 Data Dictionary
6.4 Reporting Losses or Irregularities to the Minister of Finance
6.5 New Business Area

Chapter 7 - Cash Management
7 Cash Management

Chapter 8 - Accounts Receivable Management
8.1 Accounts Receivable
8.2 Returned Cheques
8.3 Bad Debts Write-off Procedures
8.4 Central Billing Services
8.5 Corporate Collection Policy

Chapter 9 - Government Credit Cards
9.1 Government Credit cards
9.2 Credit Card Fees
9.3 Gasoline Credit Cards

Chapter 10 - Advances and Prepaid Expenses
10.1 Advances
10.2 Prepaid Expenses

Chapter 11 - Petty Cash and Floats
11.1 Petty Cash Funds
11.2 Cash Floats

Chapter 12 - Tangible Capital Assets
12 Tangible Capital Assets

Chapter 13 - Capital Leases
13 Capital Leases

Chapter 14 - Accounts Payable
14.1 Accounts Payable
14.2 Vendor Master File Policy and Procedures
14.3 Foreign Currency Payments
14.4 Third Party Demand Payments
14.5 Taxable Benefits and Issuance of T4As
14.6 Cheque Cancellation and Stop Payment
14.7 Stale-Dated Cheques

Chapter 15 - Purchase Orders and Commitments
15.1 Purchase Orders
15.2 Other Commitments
15.3 Discretionary Grants

Chapter 16 - Pension Accounting
16 Pension Accounting

Chapter 17 - Environmental Liabilities
17 Environmental Liabilities

Chapter 18 - LTD Accounting
18 Long Term Disability (LTD) - Accounting

Chapter 19 - Foreign Currency Translation
19 Foreign Currency Translation

Chapter 20 - Federal Transfers - Recognition
20 Federal Transfers - Recognition

Chapter 21 - Banking
21.1 Opening and Maintaining a Bank Account
21.2 Opening and Maintaining a Trust Bank Account
21.3 Large Cash Deposits and Withdrawals

Chapter 22 - Loans
22.1 Granting and Recording Loans
22.2 Loan Guarantees

Chapter 23 - Financial Statement Process
23 Financial Statement Process

Chapter 24 - Gifts to the Crown
24 Issue of Income Tax Receipts for Gifts to the Crown

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