Office of the Auditor General of Nova Scotia
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The Auditor General of Nova Scotia is responsible for examining the accounts of the Province and its various agencies and for reporting to the House of Assembly on the government's stewardship of public funds.

The present Auditor General of Nova Scotia is
Jacques R. Lapointe, BA, CA.CIA

ERS at PAC  Jacques Lapointe was appointed Auditor General of Nova Scotia   effective March 1, 2006. As the Auditor General, he is responsible for   providing assurance to the Legislature that taxpayers' dollars are   expended appropriately for the purposes intended and that the people   receive value for their money. Jacques formerly served as Assistant   Deputy Minister and Chief Internal Auditor for the Government of   Ontario, where he led the transformation of Ontario Internal Audit into   a modern award-winning professional audit organization. A native of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, a Chartered Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor, with an honours degree in Economics from the University of Toronto, he enjoyed a 15-year career in public accounting, including several years as a partner in a Toronto CA firm. He joined the Ontario Public Service in 1991, serving in a number of progressive senior financial and management positions including Audit Director for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, prior to his appointment as Chief Internal Auditor in April 2000. He has served on the Boards of Directors of a number of non-profit corporations and crown agencies, has published articles on auditing in government in Canadian Government Executive and the international Internal Auditor magazine and has been a frequent speaker at professional conferences in Canada, the USA and abroad. He also serves on the Comptroller General of Canada's Audit Advisory Committee and the Institute of Internal Auditors' International Government Relations Committee.

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