The Department

Pay Equity Commission

Pay equity means equal pay for work of equal value. It is a concept that bases wages on the value of work performed ... regardless of whether a man or a woman is doing the job.

In 1988, Nova Scotia passed the Pay Equity Act. This legislation sets out a process and schedule for achieving pay equity in the public sector. The legislation covers the provincial civil service, crown corporations, hospitals, school boards, universities, municipalities and municipal enterprises. The Pay Equity Commission is responsible for administrating the Pay Equity Act. In addition to monitoring the pay equity process, the Commission has the power to resolve disputes when employers and employees cannot agree, conducts research, maintains statistics, and advises the Minister of Labour on matters relating to pay equity.

Wage adjustments required to achieve pay equity were completed in 1996 for all eligible public sector employees.

Contact Information

Barb Jones Gordon
Executive Director, Policy Division
5151 Terminal Road, 6th floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T8

Tel: (902) 424-2385
Fax: (902) 424-0575


Last Updated: 2006-Nov-23
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