Nova Scotia Advisory Council
  on the Status of Women

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Minister, Status of Women
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Key Dates 
for women in 
Nova Scotia
Women in Politics
Healthy  Balance Research Program
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Our Vision...

  • Equality for women in policies, programs and legislation

  • Economic equality for women

  • A society that includes women and respects the diversity of their experience; especially women who face discrimination because of race, age, language, class, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or various forms of family status

  • Communities, workplaces and families free from violence against women

  • A society committed to the health and well-being of women and their families.

Our Mission...                         

To advance
equality, fairness and dignity 
for all women in Nova Scotia

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Comments to:  2005-12-07

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This page last updated: 27 June, 2005