Card with Stones  
A Citizens' Policy Forum  
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Voluntary Planning is Recruiting for the Community Development Task Force

Volunteers are needed to participate on Voluntary Planning's Community Development Task Force. The Task Force will consist of 12-15 citizens who will volunteer their time to engage fellow Nova Scotians, conduct world-wide research, and meet with stakeholders. For more information on the Community Development Task Force and how to apply, visit the Community Development project site.


Heritage Strategy Task Force Working to Complete its Final Report
Submissions Welcomed Until September 25th, 2006

Voluntary Planning's Heritage Strategy Task Force met on August 30th to begin discussing the reaction to its interim report and recommendations issued in June.

Over the summer the task force received many submissions from interested citizens. To make sure interested citizens and those representing stakeholder organizations have every possible chance to comment on the interim report, the task force will accept submissions until September 25th.

For more information follow this link.

Le groupe de travail chargé de la stratégie du patrimoine travaille présentement sur son rapport final
Soumissions acceptées jusqu'au 25 septembre 2006

Le groupe de travail chargé de la stratégie du patrimoine du Voluntary Planning Board s'est réuni le 30 août pour entamer les discussions sur la réaction aux recommandations incluses dans son rapport provisoire, publié en juin.

Au cours de l'été, le groupe de travail a reçu de nombreuses soumissions envoyées par des citoyens intéressés. Afin de s'assurer que les citoyens intéressés et les représentants des organismes intervenants aient la chance de partager leurs commentaires au sujet du rapport provisoire, le groupe de travail acceptera les soumissions jusqu'au 25 septembre.


Press Conference Photo

(Ron Smith, Chair of Voluntary Planning, watches on as Maureen Reid delivers the interim report of the Heritage Strategy Task Force)


Community Development Task Force
At the request of the Nova Scotia government, Voluntary Planning is conducting a Community Development Task Force that will create a common vision for the future of Nova Scotia's communities, and policy recommendations to achieve that vision.

View Community Development Task Force page

Heritage Strategy Task Force

The Nova Scotia government asked Voluntary Planning to conduct a massive, province-wide, citizen engagement task force on the topic of Heritage.

View Heritage Strategy Page


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust