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Premier Rodney MacDonald's column
Important to Support our Military, Veterans
Chronicle Herald
November 6, 2006

Top military officials, families, veterans and Nova Scotians from all walks of life will join a celebration this Wednesday, November 8, on Granville Street outside the Provincial Legislature in Halifax. It’s to show support for all military personnel (sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen) and their families because they make real, vital contributions to Nova Scotia and the global community we call home. As premier and host of the Military Appreciation Rally, I would like to invite anyone who can participate to join us for this one-hour rally, which begins at 3:00 p.m.

About 14,500 military personnel, reservists and civilian employees are our neighbours, friends and family. They play an important role in our communities during good times and bad. Most of us will easily remember the military’s good work during Hurricane Juan, white Juan or the aftermath of the Swiss Air crash. Each and everyday, these men, women, parents, sons and daughters also contribute time and money to charities and community improvements.

The Canadian military has a tremendous history in Nova Scotia. Current members as well as veterans work to honour that history, and CFB Halifax assisted the Korean Veterans to dedicate a park in their honour. All Nova Scotians, all Canadians, play a role in honouring all our veterans by marking Remembrance Day, Nov. 11.

This year, the Royal Canadian Legion marks its 80th anniversary and continues its poppy campaign which raises money for a trust fund that helps veterans past, present and future.

Clearly, our Navy, Army and Air force are part of who we are in Nova Scotia, and their significance will continue into the future. There are more than 3,000 Canadian Forces personnel working right now around the world. Bravely, they may be aboard a ship, or they may be working on the ground in the middle of strife, or they may be observers working to keep peace and freedom. They are carrying out their duties in countries such as Cyprus, Sudan, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and others.

Afghanistan is by far, Canada’s largest deployment at more than 2,000 men and women. They are working under NATO’s lead, and they are there at the invitation of the Afghan government. They are working to restore safety, stability and to foster hope in a country of 28 million people where teenagers make up the median age, 17.5, but the life expectancy is short at only 42 years. With Canada’s help through the NATO-led mission, 5 million children are now vaccinated against childhood diseases, and about 7 million children (one-third are girls) are back in school. In 2001, only 700,000 children were able to go to school, and none was a girl.

During NATO missions, like Afghanistan, and peace support operations, our Canadian Forces members risk their lives for our freedom and for the freedom of our neighbours. This Wednesday, lend your voice to the chorus of support for these men, women and their families. Whether they’re working abroad, carrying out search and rescue operations, or volunteering in our community – they contribute their best each and every day. I hope all citizens find ways, each and every day, to support our military personnel and their families here in Nova Scotia, and honour our veterans.

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