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Registry of Joint Stock Companies - Who Needs to Register

Law requires all businesses operating in Nova Scotia to register with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies except:

  • New Brunswick corporations and NB partnerships/business names registered in New Brunswick
  • individuals or partners using only their personal names without a descriptive element or attachment such as 'and Associates'
  • partnerships whose sole purpose is farming or fishing

Registration procedures vary depending on what you wish to register: Business Name on Behalf of a Limited Company, Co-operative, Extra-Provincial Company,. Incorporated Company, Partnership, Society, Sole Proprietorship.

You can find more information on the legislation requiring registration from:


If a limited company chooses to operate under a name other than its legal name, you must register the name. 
How To Register: Business Name

A co-operative is a user-owned and user-controlled business with a minimum of three founding members. It can be either for-profit or non-profit. It is a separate legal entity from the members so that liability is limited to the amount a member contributes to or invests in the co-operative.
How To Register: Co-operative

A corporation incorporated in a province other than Nova Scotia.
How To Register: Extra Provincial Corporation

A business with one or more shareholders, often called a company or corporation. A company offers a separate legal identity for its shareholders, where company debts or personal liability may be limited to the amount a shareholder contributes. 
How To Register: Incorporated Company

A business formed by one or more people or corporations. Within a partnership each partner is potentially liable for all debts of the partnership. 
How To Register: Partnership

This is the person who receives official correspondence and who may be served, on behalf of the partnership, business name, incorporation or society, with a writ, summons, process, or other legal notice. He or she is also the contact for the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. The Agent does not have to be a lawyer, but he or she must be a full time resident of Nova Scotia.
Recognized Agent Form
A non-profit organization which is incorporated under the Societies Act. Incorporation is not mandatory for societies, but the benefits, such as limited liability for members, sometimes make this a good option.
How To Register: Society

A business operated by one person, under a name other than his/her own first and last name. Also called a "partnership of one." 
How To Register: Sole Proprietorship

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