Nova Scotia Department of Finance

Page printed: Nova Scotia Deptartment of Finance - Sunday Shopping

Nova Scotia Deptartment of Finance - Sunday Shopping

Sunday Shopping Information


The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia released a decision on Oct. 4, 2006, that invalidated certain regulations restricting shopping on Sundays and holidays in Nova Scotia.

The Province of Nova Scotia has decided to change its regulations to allow retail stores of all kinds to determine the days they choose to be open.

*To download the PDF version of this information sheet, click here.

Information for Businesses

Changes to regulations under the Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act will remove the restrictions that prevented some stores from legally opening on Sundays and other holidays.

The amended regulations will be effective Sunday, Oct. 8, 2006, and therefore all stores may choose to open on that day.

There is no change in regulations for those retail outlets that have always been allowed to open on Sundays and holidays.

Restrictions related to retail store openings on Remembrance Day remain unchanged. These are governed by the Remembrance Day Act.

Businesses who require further information may contact:
Communications—Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act, at 424-8787.
Communications—Rememberence Day Act, at 424-6811.

Information for Workers

Nova Scotia’s Labour Standards Code contains protection for retail workers who are employed in stores opening on Sundays and holidays.

More information is available at

or contact Labour Standards at 1-888-315-0110

Labour Standards also administers the Holiday pay portion (Section 6) of the Remembrance Day Act.

General Inquiries regarding Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act: please call 424-8787.


October 6, 2006

When will retail stores be able to legally open on Sundays?
Stores can open this Sunday coming, October 8th, should they wish to do so.

What about respecting the plebiscite?
We have respected the results of the plebiscite for the last 2 years. The court has clearly spoken on this issue and we respect that decision.

Why aren't you going to restrict Sunday shopping to just grocery stores?
It is now time to move forward. We want to make a level playing field for all Nova Scotia businesses. It would not be fair to have all grocery stores open yet everything else closed.

Why not do another plebiscite like you've been saying?
We have done what we could do to respect the results of the plebiscite. The court has been very clear and we respect that decision.

Are you just going to throw out the Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act?
We will amend the regulations to allow retail businesses to open on Sundays and holidays.

What about workers? Will they have protection if they don't want to work on Sundays?
Protections for retail workers are already in place and apply to any other retail workers of stores which open on Sundays and holidays as a result of this decision.

How does this affect statutory holidays?
The only day stores will be forced to close is Remembrance Day. The Remembrance Day holiday falls under a different act.

Will you impose restrictions for the hours stores can be open on Sundays and Holidays?
No, we will not impose restrictions.

Why aren't you appealing the Supreme Court Decision?
The province put together a strong case for the courts; however the court's ruling was clear and would have meant all grocery stores could open. The government of Nova Scotia does not want to be in the business of deciding what is a grocery store and what is not and decided it was best to level the playing field and allow all retail stores to be open on Sundays. Don't forget that this is not a simple issue. There are many businesses today that sell groceries as part of their wares.

Will the liquor stores be permitted to open?
That is a decision that will be considered at a later date.

What about the impact on small grocers?
We recognize that this will affect all retail businesses. We have tried for the past two years to keep the status quo ... and that was just having the smaller grocers open; however, the court has clearly spoken and we must respect that.

Where can I get more information?

Businesses who have further questions on this issue, or for general inquiries regarding the Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act, please call 424-8787.

For more information regarding worker protection please contact Labour Standards at 1-888-315-0110, or visit

Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Regulations

The new regulations are available here (in PDF - 1.3 MB).

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The free Adobe Acrobat Reader is available here.


Date Page Printed: November 23, 2006