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About the Natural Products Marketing Council
The Dairy Industry Act was passed in the House of assembly on November 30, 2000. It was proclaimed into force on April 1, 2001, repealing the Dairy Commission Act. The new Act gives Council responsibilities for regulating the Nova Scotia diary industry. It also gives milk producers more control over how their industry is run and ensures that issues affecting processors, retailers and consumers are still regulated by the government.

The producer Board, Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia (DFNS), was created under the Act and came into power on April 1, 2001. The Board's offices are located at the AgriTECH Park in Bible Hill.

Under the Act, DFNS regulates production, transportation and sale of raw milk under legislative powers delegated by the Council. The Council regulates processing of raw milk and the pricing, packaging, distribution and sale of dairy products. The two organizations jointly negotiate and regulate national and inter-provincial agreements.

The Act allows the Council to delegate to DFNS the operation of the quota system, pricing of raw milk, price pooling, producer payments, producer licensing and the enforcement of producer quality standards. Council may not, however, delegate powers governing the transfer or sale of quota outside Nova Scotia, standards and testing for milk quality and safety, fluid milk pricing, fluid milk packaging, licensing of processors, distributors and transporters, and dispute settlement. Council's regulatory role involves the processing level of the dairy industry. This differs from commodities regulated under the Natural Products Act.

DFNS self-regulates in the areas of producer registration, producer quality penalties, storage and bulk haulage of raw milk, levies, advisory committees and by-laws. Milk pricing at the farm gate will be ratified by the Council.

Interested in the cottage processing industry? Find out more here.
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