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Understanding Your Account Statement

It's not always easy to understand all the information on your investment account statement.

So we've teamed up with Dalbar, a research firm specializing in account statements, to develop this program to help you:

Understand the jargon on your statement;
Learn what information to review; and
Find out how your investments are doing.

Our Survey Said: 7 in 10 respondents found their investment statements incomplete or hard to understand, according to recent survey results.

What You'll Need: Macromedia Flash 5 or higher, but you can still view it if don't have Flash at all.

Not sure if you have Flash installed?
If the words to the right are moving, you do! If they aren't moving, quickly install Flash here, or view the program without it.


Dalbar, Inc. is a leading financial services research firm with offices in Toronto and Boston, specializing in measuring the effectiveness of account statements and the performance of institutions and financial professionals in areas such as client satisfaction and service quality.