Fee Schedule

This is an unofficial plain language list. Please see Appendix A of the Rules to the Securities Act for legislated fees.


Capital Markets (Registration)

Application for registration or renewal of registration as an underwriter or a dealer, other than a security issuer, or an advisor $600
Application for registration or renewal of registration as a security issuer $400
Application for registration or renewal of registration as a salesman of a registered dealer or as a partner or officer of a registered dealer or advisor $300
Application by an individual for registration or renewal of registration as an advisor $600
Application for reinstatement or transfer of registration as a salesman or as a partner or officer of a registered dealer $100
Application by a registrant for a branch office or sub-branch office in Nova Scotia $100 per office
Application for amendment of registration as a dealer, advisor or underwriter $100

Corporate Finance

Filing a Preliminary Prospectus, Pro Forma Prospectus or Statement of Material Facts $850 if NS is not principal regulator $1250 if NS is principal regulator
Filing a pro forma or preliminary simplified prospectus and annual Information form $1200 per issuer if NS is not principal regulator $1650 per issuer if NS is principal regulator
Additional Class of Securities in a prospectus $300 per class
Amendment of prospectus per issuer $100
If amendment of prospectus is accompanied by a report upon a property or an amended financial statement $150 per property oramended financial statement
Prospectus Supplement filed under the Shelf Procedures $850
Report filed with a Prospectus filing relating to properties of Natural Resource Company $100 per property
Filing of an Annual Information Form $1200
Filing a Rights Offering Circular or Rights Plan $350
Filing a Share-Exchange Take-over Bid Circular $350
Filing a Director's Circular $100
Filing an amendment to a share-exchange take-over bid circular $100
Filing a Form 20 or Form 45-106 FI $25
Filing Annual Financial Statements $150 if non-exchange member $250 if a member of a Canadian exchange
Material Change Reports $25

Exemptions and Commission Orders

Application under Section 67 of the Act $350
Application under Section 79 of the Act $450
Application under Section 80 of the Act $350
Application under Section 86 of the Act $350
Application under Section 89 of the Act $350
Application under Section 94 of the Act $350
Application under Section 110 of the Act $350
Application under Section 121 of the Act $350
Application under Section 125 of the Act $350
Application under Section 128 of the Act $350
Application under Section 151 of the Act $350
Application pursuant to any other provision of the Act, the General Securities Rules, policy statements or rules $350