Air, Land, Water

Guided Outings

Hikers, walkers and paddlers in Nova Scotia have a chance to go on free guided tours (PDF: 223k) of the province's protected areas.

Read the department's news release.

Saturday, April 29th, 2006 - “Owl Prowl” (Eigg Mountain-James River Wilderness Area, Antigonish County)

Join Rob Cameron, Ecologist with Protected Areas Branch, and Mark Pulsifer, Wildlife Biologist with the Department of Natural Resources, for a late evening (night) owl survey to determine species and numbers around Eigg Mountain. The survey will consist of driving along a pre-determined route with stops every 1.6 km. At the stops we play owl hooting recordings and document any response. Please pre-register by contacting Rob Cameron at (902) 424-2176;

Sunday, June 11th, 2006 - Abraham Lake Old-Growth Forest Walk (Abraham Lake Candidate Nature Reserve, Halifax County)

Enjoy an easy walk through an impressive old-growth red spruce forest - a remnant forest type which has all but disappeared in the province. Suitable for all ages. Contact David MacKinnon for more information: (902) 424-2027; (902) 223-1760;

Saturday, June 24th, 2006 - Hike the Kenomee Canyon Trail (Economy River Wilderness Area, Colchester County)

Join Garnet McLaughlin of Kenomee Trail Society (KTS) for an all-day, guided hike of the 18 km Kenomee Canyon hiking trail. Enjoy beautiful hardwood and spruce forests and discover waterfalls of the upper Economy River. This hiking trail is managed by KTS through an agreement with Environment and Labour. Good fitness is a must! For information, contact Garnet McLaughlin at: (902) 897-3180 or

Saturday, July 8th, 2006 - Family Adventure Treasure Hunt (Cloud Lake Wilderness Area, Annapolis-Kings County)

Spend the day exploring Cloud Lake by canoe, learning about the natural and cultural history of the area through a self-guided ‘treasure hunt’. Locate 7 learning stations and solve each riddle to gather clues, leading your team to the hidden treasure. Safe canoeing practices and basic paddling experience are required. For more information and to pre-register, contact Leif Helmer: (902) 543-4685;

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006 - Paddle to the Coast (Gabarus Wilderness Area, Cape Breton Co.)

Enjoy a day-long paddle along the shores of Gabarus and Belfry Lakes to the beautiful coastal sand dunes bordering Fourchu Bay. This is a unique opportunity to canoe/kayak scenic, wilderness freshwater lakes while enjoying lunch on Belfry Beach! Suitable for teens and adults with some canoeing or kayaking experience. For more information and to pre-register, contact David Williams: (902) 563-3428;

Saturday, August 12th, 2006 - Coastal barrens Interpretive Hike (Duncans Cove Nature Reserve)

Explore footpaths within the recently designated Duncans Cove Nature Reserve. Overlooking outer Halifax Harbour, these rugged coastal barrens harbour many species adapted to wind, fog and thin soils. We may find blueberries, or even see whales offshore. Pre-register by contacting Oliver Maass at (902) 424-2123;

Saturday, August 26th, 2006 - Mosses of Eigg Mountain-James River Wilderness Area (Antigonish County)

Learn how to identify some of our common mosses and liverworts (and some lichens too). Lunch will be at James River Falls. This is a rugged trail with wet spots, and some steep slopes and slippery areas. Please pre-register by contacting Rob Cameron at (902) 424-2176;

Saturday, September 16th, 2006 - Climb a Mountain Today - The Sugarloaf! (Sugarloaf Mountain Wilderness Area, Inverness County)

This guided hike through hardwood forest trail to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain will reward hikers with fabulous views of the upper and lower sections of Margaree Valley. This exciting hike is demanding in terms of total length (10 - 12 kilometres) and elevation climbed (> 320 metres). To pre-register, contact David Williams: (902) 563-3428;

Saturday, Feb 10th, 2007 - Cross Country Skiing at Gully Lake Wilderness Area (Colchester County)

Explore the hardwood forest trails of Gully Lake Wilderness Area on skis. This new, 3,810 hectare (9,400 acre) wilderness area protects the largest remaining patch of mature forest in the Truro-Pictou area and was home to the Hermit of Gully Lake. Pre-register by contacting Oliver Maass: (902) 424-2123;


Last Updated: 2006-Jun-7
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