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Agricultural Administration Amendment (2001) Act
Agricultural Administration Amendment (2002) Act
Agriculture Administration Amendment (2004) Act
Agriculture and Marketing Act
Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act
Agriculture and Rural Credit Act
Animal Cruelty Prevention Act
Animal Health and Protection Act
Baby Chick Protection Act
Bee Industry Act
Cattle Pest Control Act
Crop and Livestock Insurance Act
Dairy Industry Act
Farm Practices Act
Farm Registration Act
Fences and Detention of Stray Livestock Act
Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
Fisheries Organizations Support Act
Health Protection Act (Food Safety)
Imitation Dairy Products Act
Livestock Brands Act
Livestock Health Services Act
Margarine Act
Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act
Meat Inspection Act
Natural Products Act
Potato Industry Act
Provincial Berry Act
Sheep Protection Act
Weed Control Act

Other Statutes
Agrologists Act
Federations of Agriculture Act
Fences and Impounding of Animals Act
Interpretation Act
Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia Act
Regulations Act
Veterinary Medical Act

To access a complete listing of all regulations made under the above listed statutes, see the Nova Scotia Registry of Regulations site.
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