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Product and Quality Development
The Product and Quality Development Division was established in the year 2000 to provide a co-ordinated effort to assist in the expansion of the
Update on Nova Scotia's Salt Fish Industry
value-added component of the Nova Scotia Agriculture and Seafood industries. The overall mission is to promote, encourage and support the development of Nova Scotia's rural and coastal areas. The direction and approach of the Division's activities focuses on initiating industry change and providing the leadership necessary to make those changes. Nova Scotia processors can also benefit from unique opportunities for new product development ventures, product diversification and technical support.

The Goals:

The Product and Quality Development offers a variety of services based on the following goals:

  • to strengthen the capacity for development of value-added agricultural and seafood products, services and technologies.
  • to increase opportunities for government and industry quality and innovation initiatives in the agri-food and seafood sectors.
  • to address barriers to the development and commercialization of agricultural, seafood and food products, technologies and services.
  • to identify, develop and promote value-added opportunities through co-ordinated and facilitated partnerships and strategic alliances at the community level.

In an effort to achieve these goals in a timely and financially responsible manner, the Division has developed the following strategic priorities. These strategic priorities have been developed through team efforts and will be actively pursued. Industry partners may have the opportunity to source technical information, linkages with industry or equipment suppliers and/or funding.

Strategic Priorities:

The Product and Quality Development Team identified the following priorities:

  • encourage both primary and secondary producers in the agriculture and seafood industries to produce new, value-added, and high quality products. The Division's role is designed to reduce barriers to commercialization and provide strategic linkages between industry and government participants.
  • provide professional support and strategic linkages to assist clients and businesses associated with the agriculture, seafood and food processing sectors to investigate new processes, equipment, technologies, packaging and products outside of Nova Scotia.
  • partner with industry organizations and other department agencies to identify, develop and promote value-added opportunities surrounding the agriculture, seafood and food processing sectors.
  • develop initiatives targeting potential new clients, quality improvements, training and promotion of members' products and services in co-operation with the Taste of Nova Scotia Society and the Taste of Nova Scotia Quality Food Council.

Related Information:

  • Food Processor Contacts Directory
  • For additional information, please contact:

    Derrick Brooks, Manager
    Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
    Nova Scotia Fishries and Aquaculture
    Industry Development and Business Services
    Product and Quality Development Division
    PO Box 2223
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3C4
    Phone: (902) 424- 0344
    Fax: (902) 424-4671
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