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#300 Common Services Manual

Table of Contents

NEW: The following policies are now available as independent pdf documents.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1  Introduction

Chapter 2 - Legal Services
2.1 Approval and Acquisition of Private Sector Legal Services

Chapter 3 - Government Services
3.1 Procurement Policy
3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide
3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy
3.4 Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy
3.5 Inventory Control
3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations
3.7 Acquisitions and Disposals-Crown Property (Capital Assets)
3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy
3.9 Parking Policy
3.10 Stationery Services
3.11 Postal Services
3.12 Building Services
3.13 Gifts and Awards

Chapter 4 - Information and Records Management Services
4.1 Records Management Policy
4.2 Electronic Mail Policy
4.3 Guidelines for the Use of the Internet
4.4 Procedures for Handling of Information Flow Documents Received from Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
4.5 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Requests
4.6 Disposal of Cabinet Documents during the Transition of Government
4.7 Website Privacy Policy

Chapter 5 - Insurance and Risk Management
5  Insurance and Risk Management

Chapter 6 - Communications Services
6.1 Communications Policy/Protocol
6.2 Internal Printing
6.3 External Printing
6.4 Advertising Policy
6.5 Creative Credit Policy
6.6 Internet Content Policy
6.7 Co-Publishing
6.8 Visual Identity Program

Chapter 7 - Other Policy Statements
7.1 Acquisition/Lease of Vehicles
7.2 Use of Government Aircraft
7.3 Fire Safety
7.4 Crown Land Information Management Centre
7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy
7.6 Environmental Management Policy

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