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Nova Scotia Dairy Cottage Industry
The Nova Scotia dairy industry is governed by the Dairy Industry Act. ( The Natural Products Marketing Council is responsible for the administration of this Act.

Nova Scotia is recognized for its high quality dairy products. Currently there are a number of smaller processing facilities marketing quality dairy products both inside and outside the province. The setting up of a processing business can be challenging as well as rewarding.

Below are some areas of information with explanations that you will need to help you complete your business plan.

  • Raw milk supply
  • Regulations governing processing
  • Required reports and paper work
  • Available assistance
  • Pricing of raw milk

Raw milk supplies
Raw milk (unprocessed cow's milk) is available from a number of different sources. The important thing to note is that all raw milk is purchased by Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia (DFNS) and is sold by them to the processors. For information on schedules and available quantities contact DFNS ( Raw milk must be delivered by the milk transporter in your area directly from the milk pick up route. In all cases the milk being transferred into your processing facility must be done by a licensed transporter and must follow strict quality control and approved recording methods.

Regulations governing processing
Regulations on milk processing and product labeling fall under both Federal and Provincial jurisdictions. Raw milk and dairy product quality fall under the Provincial Health and Dairy Industry Acts.
Construction of facilities must follow industry guidelines and regulations and standards set by the local municipality. If dairy products are marketed locally inspections fall under the jurisdiction of the Provincial government and, under Federal jurisdiction if marketing is outside the province. Product labeling falls under regulations of the Federal Government, Canada's Agricultural Products Act, administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Reports and paperwork
Raw milk volumes entering the processing plant and dairy products leaving the plant require record keeping on an ongoing basis. Monthly reports must be submitted to Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia.

Available assistance
Assistance programs may be available from time to time. We suggest that you contact the following:

Raw milk pricing
Prices for raw milk processing are regulated. These prices can be found at

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