Caption Organization Information

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Captions appearing with these portraits are organized (where known) by date, subject matter, location, title, medium, artist or technician's name, publication data, present ownership and photo-negative number or accession number, with remarks on items of note following. The information appears in this order:

subject matter
place (if known)
title (if known)
medium: artist
publication data (if any)
present ownership (institution or private collection)
copy photograph location
picture file #/accession #/previous #/photo-negative # (if any)

The browsing order reflects a chronological order. For works with a range of possible dates, the caption is entered under the latest date possible. In cases where portraits are based on an earlier work, the copies come immediately after the original work, regardless of the date created.

Where information about individuals portrayed in a work is available, it has been included. Corrections or additions to this information would be greatly appreciated. If you know something we don't know about the people, the place, the date, artist or event associated with a particular image, please tell us. Updated documentation will be added to the Nova Scotia Museum's cultural database on Mi'kmaq genealogies, portraits and biographies for use by future generations.

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