Help Searching The Collection

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Help Topics:


Why are some of the photographs blurred?

While viewing the collection, you will occasionally come across blurred photos. This could be attributed to one or more factors:

Which web-browser is recommended for viewing this site?

This site has been optimized for viewing with Netscape Navigator v3.0 and higher, but it can also be viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.0. The Mi'kmaq Portraits Collection was also constructed with non-graphical browsers like Lynx in mind, but, given the nature of this Collection, a graphical browser is recommended.

Screen Resolution

The best resolution for viewing the site is 800 by 600 pixels at 16-bit colour or higher. For the full effect of this site, you may wish to resize your screen's resolution to these dimensions.

Are any additional programs needed to view the collection?

To view the site fully, you will need a graphical web-browser like Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. There are several short video clips from the Mi'kmaq television series and additional footage from other sources. These video clips are in Quicktime format, and you will need either the Quicktime Plugin for your web-browser, or the Quicktime Movie Player, to view the movies from your desktop.

Helpful tips for searching the collection

Besides taking one of our Guided Tours through the collection, a Keyword Search can also be performed. The search can be made from any point in the collection and is found below the caption of the portrait. The search-engine looks like this:

Perform a "Keyword" search

Click your cursor on the blank white space, then type in the word (or words) that you are interested in. After you have typed in the keyword(s), click on the 'Search' button. The search-engine will then scan the entire portraits collection for pages containing the keywords that you had specified. The results of the search will then be displayed for you on a separate page. From there you can search again, or click on one of the links displayed by your search. The 'Clear' button clears all of the keywords that you had entered, so you can begin a new search. To return to the 'search results' page from the 'portraits collection' page, just click your browser's 'Back' button.

The following keywords cannot be searched for because of limitations with the search-engine:

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