Hear Doug Christie
Interviewed by John Gormley of NewsTalk650 Saskatoon July 8

Join The Party

The Truth About The Western Block Party


Western Block Party
810 Courtney Street
Victoria, BC
Western Canada
V8W 1C4
This website is authorized by the official agent of the WBP, 
Keltie Zubko

Western Canada Concept
Email Doug Christie


In preparation for the coming election we need the following:

1. A provincial representative and spokesperson in each Western province. Please put forward your name for consideration by email with a brief résumé and statement of goals to our head office.

2. Twenty candidates in Western Canada within one month. Please put forward your name and the federal riding you reside in for consideration by a telephone interview. Please provide your telephone number. Once candidates are selected, conference calls will be arranged frequently.

3. Provide a profile of yourself as a candidate by email to be included in a brochure for consideration and website posting.

4. Where two or more members wish to contest a riding, a nomination meeting will be held under rules to be announced.

5. Send us an email list of like-minded people to whom we could send weekly bulletins.

6. Create your own Western Separatist blog or website.

7. Send us your suggestions to improve our message and effectiveness.


These small but vigorous meetings saw the appearance of many new and encouraging members. I realize that great movements depend on the events of history. But we are ahead of the events that are soon to come. The “Green Shift” will inevitably win support in Ontario and Quebec. Stéphane Dion is well on his way to the return to power the Liberals always make. There is a likely federal election in October or November. Then a Liberal majority is possible, and a Liberal minority is likely. Back to the same old game of Ontario and Quebec calling all the expenditures and raising Western taxes. The National Energy Policy is a new form can and will repeat history. It will all be wrapped up in a green mask.

The new members of the Western Block Party are the wave of the future. History will prove us right. I congratulate you on your brave and free decision to join the Western Block. Together we can change the course of history and build a new nation on a firm and just foundation.

Yours for Independence,
Douglas Christie


(Western Block Party Press Release #2, August 14, 2008)

VICTORIA - The latest Harris/Decima poll proves once again that beating up on the West is surest way to ensure electoral success in Ontario and Quebec, Western Block Party Leader Douglas Christie declared today. The poll, which shows the Liberals supplanting the Bloc Québécois in Quebec and surging to a nine-point lead over the Conservatives in Ontario, demonstrates that Stéphane Dion's "Green Shift" is the latest incarnation of Senator Keith Davey's age-old Liberal wisdom: "Screw the West, we'll take the rest."

Mr. Christie commented, "The 'Green Shift' has two purposes. The first is to shift the green-the money-from the West to Ottawa. The second is to shift political power back to Central Canada. The Liberals are bribing Ontario and Quebec with money stolen from the 'greenhouse' provinces, which just happen to be Alberta and Saskatchewan. It worked for Trudeau in 1980 and for Mr. Chrétien in 2000, and there is every indication it will work for Mr. Dion this year.

"The West can complain all it wants, but the plain facts are that the entire West has only 92 seats in the House of Commons, while Ontario and Quebec together have 181, almost twice as many. For the West, Canadian Confederation has been and remains nothing more than robbery by law. Only secession and full independence can free the West from Eastern robbery and secure its rightful economic prosperity."


(As the following article from 2001 demonstrates, the Liberal Party has always been keen to stick it to the West. Did somebody say "Green Shift"?)

The West As Spoiled Teenager
Chretien adds insult to injury by saying the region that rejected him needs 'tough love' 
Kevin Michael Grace
The Report
January 21, 2001

If Jean Chretien and western Canada were a couple and had a song, it would be the Crystals' "He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)." As that oldie but goodie explains, "He couldn't stand to hear me say/That I'd been with someone new." Western Canadian voters have been with someone new--the Canadian Alliance--and demon lover Chretien knows just what they need: "Cause when he took me in his arms/With all the tenderness there is/He hit me, and he made me feel/Baby won't you stay..." 

Asked during a Global TV interview December 22 why the Liberals had won only 17 seats in the West, Mr. Chretien replied, "You have to realize that when you vote [for] a national government, you vote to deal with the national problems and not always look only from a local perspective but look at it on the national perspective. I used the 'tough love' theory in Quebec and I still have a lot of scars on my political body for that, but I've been persistent and we managed to have 4.5% more in the popular vote." 

Mr. Chretien had hit the West, but it didn't feel like a kiss. The West was thinking about calling the battered spouse hotline. Within the last six months, Mr. Chretien had declared that he did not like working with westerners because they are "different." After all, they supported the Alliance, which Mr. Chretien and Liberal cabinet minister Elinor Caplan had compared to neo-Nazis. 

A parental help Web site explains: "The concept of responsible parental love has been developed by Phyllis and David York in their publication Toughlove: A Self-Help Manual For Parents Troubled By Teen-Age Behavior. It represents a firm, caring solution for families torn apart by completely unacceptable and 'acting-out' behavior...'Tough' love means giving teens clear-cut rules and reasonable limits and expecting them to abide by them." So westerners are the stupefied adolescents of the Canadian family: sulking in their basement, refusing to do chores, mooching off hard-working parents and "acting out" with swastika tattoos. 

Westerners have reacted to macho Mr. Chretien with bemusement. Canada West Foundation president Roger Gibbins comments, "It's a very odd concept to apply to the West. I interpret tough love in Quebec as the tough part being hard on constitutional issues, like the Clarity Act, accompanied by very significant financial infusions, which is the love part. In the West there's no particular cry for special economic benefits and no inclination that the federal government would move in that direction." 

National Citizens' Coalition president Stephen Harper responds, "I think Chretien just doesn't care. You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." 

It is expected that Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Stephane Dion will reprise the tough love capo role he played to Mr. Chretien's satisfaction in his home province of Quebec, and will begin lecturing the West about federalism's myriad benefits. Mr. Harper argues, "It almost confirms the argument that Ottawa treats western Canada as a foreign country. Now we have an ambassador! Our representative is not somebody from here; it's somebody from there." 

University of Calgary political science professor Thomas Flanagan says, "If Dion actually attempts to do this--coming out here to tell us that we are heavily taxed so that Quebec can get large transfer payments--it will make things worse. But my concern is not so much that we might have to endure some lectures but that if we are moving into a recession, if the government is strapped for money again, they're going to come looking for it in the West." 

International trade agreements rule out another National Energy Program, but there are other ways to gut the western cat. Last year's row between then-Newfoundland premier (now Industry Minister) Brian Tobin and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein revealed that the Atlantic premiers think Alberta insufficiently "sharing." In other words, the net transfer of $3,000 every Alberta man, woman and child pays every year is not enough. Alberta Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Shirley McClellan does not rule out her province's participation in any such talks. "Alberta has always believed in a strong and united Canada, in a federalism that works. We have tried to work hard with Mr. Dion to see that our position is clearly understood. We've supported equalization and never complained, but we want our constitutional rights respected, and we want fairness." 

B.C. premier-in-waiting Gordon Campbell takes a harder line. "The B.C. Liberal Party has a responsibility to the people of B.C. to speak up for our province and say what's best for it," he says. "Shipping billions to federal coffers and getting $13.4 million back--that's not the way confederation should work." He argues that B.C. and Alberta should "speak with a strong and united western voice" and advises the Atlantic provinces to "reflect on the successes they've seen in Alberta." 

Alliance MP Rob Anders contends it is insane for Mr. Chretien to facilitate Albertans learning how much they give to Ottawa--and not just in equalization: "We're no drug addicts. If what we were getting before was called love, and whatever we are going to get afterwards is going to be called tough, I think Chretien may be sowing the seeds of western separation." 

Edmontonian Matthew Johnston, president of Teaching Liberty, Inc., says, "Tough love? I think it's great; I think it will help push Alberta out of confederation. The only way we're going to scale back the size and scope of government is by being an independent nation. I think the political culture of Alberta is conducive to a vision of limited government and individual freedom not shared by the rest of the country." Mr. Johnston adds, "I don't want to leave the impression that I oppose or support the existing political efforts to secede. My goal is to work with others to build an intellectual movement." 

Vancouver Sun columnist Barbara Jaffe is worried by such talk. She concluded in a January 5 column, "As someone who grew up with the separatist movement and ultimately left Quebec in large measure because of it, I can only warn in the strongest terms possible against a similar strategy for the West." But then, she's from somewhere else. 


There are many reasons for an independent Western Canada. Each person may choose various explanations for their desire to achieve this goal. 

For the practical and tax-conscious person, the reasons will be largely economic, focusing on the costs of government in Canada and the value of Western resources, if the money remained here rather than being passed on Ottawa. 

For those concerned about political justice, the realization that Ontario has more seats in the House of Commons than all of Western Canada combined. To this we are given no answer but patriotism.

For those concerned about language and culture, it is obvious Ottawa does not care about our language and our culture. They would like to see the demise of all Western leadership.

For those concerned about the Western Canadian environment, separation is the answer because the rapid pace of immigration, which is consuming our land space at an alarming rate and which is directed by Ottawa for the gain of the Liberal Party.

For those concerned about bureaucracy and government waste, experience tells us it is Ottawa’s creation. 

For those concerned about freedom, from gun control to the Wheat Board monopoly to the Canadian Human Rights censors, this is all Ottawa’s doing.

For those who desire referendum, initiative and recall as democratic tools, the Constitution Act places these tools in the hands of MPs and not anyone but a Federal bureaucrat.

For those concerned about the growth of government generally, Ottawa is the origin of the problem. 

And many more reasons come to mind.

To those who reject Western separatism as divisive, ask them to tell you what Ottawa does for the West that we couldn’t do better, quicker and cheaper for ourselves. Ask them to tell you one thing Ottawa has ever done for us that didn’t take more than it gave.

So why wait. Join today and free the West. By the way, Ottawa is the origin of the realization that federalism doesn’t work. The Supreme Court has repeatedly identified this problem. The difference is that the Western Block Party offers and alternative and offers hope. It is now as it always way—separate or surrender. Your land, your taxes, your language, your culture, your power to choose.

Yours for Independence,
Douglas H. Christie
Leader, Western Block Party

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