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Heritage Division

Our government is committed to the forward-looking stewardship of Nova Scotia's natural and cultural heritage, a heritage that Nova Scotians value highly. It recognizes that the most efficient and effective heritage resource management techniques must be established now if heritage is to be integral in the life of every Nova Scotian in the year 2100.

The Heritage Division serves Nova Scotians by preserving the province's rich history for today and tomorrow. The mission of Heritage Division is to protect, enhance, and celebrate heritage for all Nova Scotians and for future generations.

The Heritage Division envisions a day when Nova Scotians champion their heritage because it is a vital and enriching part of their daily life.

To attain that vision, the Heritage Division's primary goal is to monitor and take action to protect the long-term sustainability and integrity of Nova Scotia's heritage resources. The Division currently does this by providing heritage services and programs throughout the province, by operating the family of 27 provincial museums, and by maintaining the provincial collection of artifacts and specimens.

The Heritage Division also contributes in many other ways to our government's corporate priorities toward a healthy, prosperous, and self-sufficient Nova Scotia. The Division helps protect what Nova Scotians value. Its preservation and presentation of heritage helps Nova Scotians foster pride in their communities. Heritage enriches the knowledge of each Nova Scotian whom it touches, contributing to life-long learning, which our government has identified as a cornerstone to a strong economy.

The Division provides or supports employment in the heritage sector in over 90 Nova Scotian communities, and assists those communities in becoming more sustainable. It assists the tourism sector in helping to make Nova Scotia a prime destination by offering visitors quality heritage attractions and experiences, and by positioning Nova Scotia as the "living history" province of Canada.

Find out:
What we do
Who we are

Have a Question?

Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage
Heritage Division
1747 Summer Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 3A6

Phone (902) 424-7344 or 1-800-632-1114
Facsimile (902) 424-0560

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