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"How Do I Find ... " Survey

Please help us understand how our "How Do I Find" service meets your needs.

We are constantly trying to improve access to our website information. Information from this quick web survey will be used to provide direction for future improvements to our Government of Nova Scotia How Do I Find topics directory.

Thanks for your input!

(Only questions marked with stars are mandatory)

1.RequiredDid you find the layout of the "How Do I Find" directory?
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

2.RequiredDid you find it useful to search for topics alphabetically?

Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not useful
Not sure

3.RequiredWould it be more useful to have the topics divided by:

Subject Matter
Government Department
Useful the way it is
No Opinion

4.If you had difficulty finding the topic or subject you were interested in, what topic or subject were you looking for?

5.Any additional suggestions or comments you would make about our "How Do I Find" service?


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Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2003, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Last Updated November 07, 2001