Nova Scotia Department of Health

Key Health Initiatives

Health Care Safety and Quality

The health care system strives to deliver the highest quality services possible. Safety is a fundamental element of quality and is increasingly the focus of attention around the world. As intended, the complex processes associated with healthcare can bring significant benefits. Sometimes, however, the results of the care provided may be not as expected. While we know that no system is error-free, we continually work with our health partners to improve patient safety and quality, striving to be as close to error-free as possible.


Health Infostructure Atlantic Health Infostructure Atlantic
Formed In January 2000 by the Departments of Health of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, the purpose of Health Infostructure Atlantic (HIA) is to share health information/technology initiatives, to identify projects or strategies for collaborative development, and use of best practices.
click here for information on Nova Scotia's Nursing Strategy

Nova Scotia's Nursing Strategy

The nursing strategy, introduced in 2001, is a multi-year plan that provides a comprehensive and coordinated approach to enhancing the quality of work life for nurses, retaining experienced nurses in the system, and creating an environment in which recruitment efforts will be successful. The department invests $5 million each year on strategy initiatives and programs.

Nova Scotia Telehealth Network


Nova Scotia Telehealth Network

Nova Scotia was the first province in Canada to establish a province-wide telehealth network in 1999. The Nova Scotia Telehealth Network is focused on providing patient care closer to home and supporting health professionals. The network uses videoconferencing equipment located in health care facilities throughout the province.

Nova Scotia Hospital Information System website


Nova Scotia Hospital Information System
Over the next three years all of Nova Scotia's hospitals will be connected with a new information system for the sharing of pertinent health information. Patients, health professionals, administrators, as well as the public, will all benefit from the Nova Scotia Hospital Information System.

Primary Health Care Renewal

Primary Health Care

The Nova Scotia Department of Health recognizes the need to consider the broader determinants of health as a means of improving the health of its population. Find out more about the various primary health care renewal activities the department is undertaking, including the Strengthening Primary Care Initiative.
Your Health Matters
Your Health Matters
Your Health Matters is a plan for the direction of health care in Nova Scotia. The Department of Health, the Office of Health Promotion, district health authorities, health partners, and communities are involved in developing and implementing a number of important activities. Your Health Matters contains those that are most directly linked to the greatest health concerns of Nova Scotians.